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As the sun rose for the citizens of Tampa, Rosalie woke up in the arms of her beloved Johnny Towers, their bare bodies covered by a large blanket as sunlight pierced through the large glass windows of Rosalie's room and illuminated both.

"That...felt good." She sighed, tracing her fingers around his abs. "I loved it."

"I know, babe. Same here." Johnny said as he planted a kiss on her forehead before she turned to face him and they had a liplock once more.

It didn't last long as three knocks were heard on the door.

"Miss Rosalie, I apologize for disturbing, but your father is expecting you." The low voice of a Russian male emanated from beyond the door.

Rosalie sighed as she got out of bed and put on a bathrobe and some slippers. As Johnny got his clothes back on, she opened the door to see the large bald man who was usually seen with her father.

"Good morning, Artur." She greeted.

"Good morning, Miss Rosalie. And you as well, Mister Towers." The tall Russian, Artur, greeted the two.

Johnny just waved after putting his shirt and pants on. As he reached for his phone, it rang. He checked the screen to see it was from a "Duke."

"I gotta take this call, Rosie. You go meet with your father." He told her.

"Okay. Lead the way, Artur." Rosalie said to the taller man as she followed him out of the room. When he was alone, Johnny took the call.

"How's the bastard's Pontiac treating you?" He asked.

"Very well, John. When I checked his house, he wasn't there anymore, but I did notice he locked the basement and left a note under its door."

"What's it say?"

"It just says 'I quit.'"

Johnny scoffed. "Took the easy way out. At least we don't have to deal with him anymore."

"Heh, not like he could do anything but make you look stupid in front of Miss Rosalie once. Well, gotta go now."

"See you around, man."


In the middle of a dark, abandoned apartment, several guns were lined on the floor, going in order from pistols to SMG's to shotguns to rifles. Sitting in front of them was Jake. He only had pants and boots on as a light shone on the Marine Corps tattoo on his back.

Without a word, he loaded bullets into a magazine.




That was all that can be heard in the building, and he was the only one there.


That night, Duke was on an all-time optimism high after raiding the house and taking the Pontiac, which he drove to the bar.

He entered the building, tidying and adjusting his suit as other men in suits greeted him.

"Hey, Duke!" One greeted.

"Take a seat! Beers are out!"

Duke cackled as beer bottles were passed around among the mobsters. It was a party for the Carbone enforcers. They sat around the table, telling stories and laughing as beer bottles littered the floor one by one.

One of the stories passed around was that of a Cuban gang that the Carbones aren't exactly friendly with.

"Duke! Speech!" One slurred.

Altered MCU's Punisher: The Reawakened (OC Castle story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now