From the Ashes

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of something that one guy tried to sell to Frank Castle in Daredevil Season 2 Episode 2

Mickey Fondozzi's heart raced at his thoughts continued operating in bedlam. Word quickly spread of an abandoned apartment building exploding and collapsing along with what witnesses said was the wanted vigilante. As the first sign of morning came, he suited up and grabbed his bag of trash to set it outside and await collection.

As he went back to his store, Mickey noticed a pair of figures standing in front of the door.

The masked man who tied him up was there, and so was Officer Lynn Michaels, both covered in soot with hints of blood on their skin and clothes.

The masked man who tied him up was there, and so was Officer Lynn Michaels, both covered in soot with hints of blood on their skin and clothes

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"...B-Back room?" Mickey stammered.

The masked man nodded.


"Artur...I can't believe he's gone." Rosalie murmured as she laid on her bed, just next to Johnny.

"I know, Rosie. I miss him too." he told her. "He knew what he was getting into, but still..."

Rosalie found herself cuddling closer to Johnny as the sun rose.

"We should do something for Artur and your dad, in their honor, and of the guys we lost along the way." he said.

"Are you sure?" Rosalie asked as the two got up from the bed. Unlike the last time, they had shirts and track pants on.

"Yeah. I doubt we'll be seeing the vigilante anytime soon, and even then, Watson and co. are paid well enough to keep everyone else off our backs." Johnny said as he pulled the bedroom doors open.

They were greeted by the sight of no one, a rare one that would soon become the norm with what happened to Artur.

Unable to hold back a sigh, Johnny let it out.

"We should tell the others first. Let them know that we will hold one hell of a party in the honor of the guys we lost." he said.

"Alright, Johnny." Rosalie let herself reach for her fiancé's arm. "Let's spread the word."

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