The Battle Lines

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Despite everything that happened, Vette kept her composure while going about her day in her little apartment. As the morning sun began to rise, she made herself a little bowl of cereal while in a different robe than she was wearing in the mansion before everything went to hell.

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"I got calls from the other girls..." Vette muttered to no one in particular, " scared some of them out of their work..."

As she said this, a duffel bag full of cash fell on the floor as a certain armored figure came into view just behind her...

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"Unless they've done some messed up shit, I'm not going after them. They should know that," the Punisher whispered.

"That's not what they think," Vette scowled before sighing. "Whatever, you got what you wanted and I have my money. Our business is done."


"Although, there's one more thing I could do for you..."

Vette put her spoon down and turned around to face the mystery vigilante, reaching for the cord holding her robe together as she did so.

Right as she turned around, she took the robe off and threw it on the floor, revealing a different set of underwear, ash gray in color and not lacy or revealing, but it still made her easy on the eyes.

Altered MCU's Punisher: The Reawakened (OC Castle story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now