...It's Punishment

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TW: mention of child pornography like that one guy from Daredevil 2x02...again

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Johnny cursed as he led Rosalie further into the spacious mansion as the faint voices of their comrades and subordinates filled the place as more gunfire erupted from behind them.

"Johnny, where are we going?!" Rosalie demanded, struggling to keep up with how fast he was running.



Johnny did not answer as they saw a pair of mobsters with P90s emerging from further down the hallway.

"Cover us!" Johnny ordered as he and Rosalie ran past the duo.


The masked man did not let up, firing the two SMG's in unison at every mobster that came for him, whether they came from the staircase or the hallways.

In one instance, he drew his Beretta right as his MP7 ran out.

As he followed Johnny and Rosalie's trail, he passed by more and more dead bodies before dropping the MP7 as it was out of ammo, though he took the Uzi of a dead mobster without a second thought.


The door to Julius Carbone's study on the second floor of the mansion swung open as Johnny and Rosalie made their way inside.

"Johnny, what are we looking for?" she asked.

"I know he had it here somewhere..."

As he said this, Johnny opened a drawer and grabbed something from under the late Julius's desk: an AR-15 with an underside grenade launcher.

"I'll hold him off. You have to run," he told her.

"No! I won't leave you..." Rosalie halted his path back to the doorway with her body.

"Do you want to die now?!" Johnny argued.

"We're doing this together! Only way you're stopping me is if you shoot me now!"

That silenced Johnny despite the faint gunfire in the background.


The two guards from earlier were later joined by more of the last few Carbone mobsters in blocking the masked man's path to Johnny. They were able to hunker down and organize, keeping the invader occupied with gunfire as he took cover from beyond the hallway.

What they were not expecting, however, was the masked man to charge down the hallway, gunfire be damned. Uzis firing, he ran while shifting his body every now and then as most of the bullets that came close to him only hit his coat.

Then, he saw Johnny with his modified rifle, with Rosalie in tow holding a pistol.


He shot a grenade at the masked man's direction.

Altered MCU's Punisher: The Reawakened (OC Castle story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now