Post-Credits: Red Wedding

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Meanwhile in California, a few months later...

"Jesus, what happened here?"

Melinda Brewer, EMR couldn't believe what she was seeing. In what looked like a wedding reception, there was no merriment, no celebration, no joy, only dead bodies drenched in red, tables turned to the side or on their tops, chairs broken into pieces, etc.

It was a clear massacre, a very recent one too, and the paramedic  couldn't help but feel bile rise from her stomach at the sight of the blood and bodies of those who were supposed to be celebrating a joyous day.

"What is this 'Game of Thrones' looking shit?"

"This is worse than that, Brewer...look at the casings on the floor. Everyone here must've died to gunshot wounds, some of them got more than others."

As their noses twitched from the whiff of a strong scent, Brewer asked, "Why does it reek here?"


Another paramedic near her pointed at an object lying on the groom and bride's table...

"A fish?" Brewer wondered

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"A fish?" Brewer wondered.

"That supposed to be the perp's calling card?" a nearby cop noted.

"Probably," another answered, while taking pictures of the scene for later investigation efforts.

"Who the fuck uses a fish? Doesn't look like it came from a store, too."

Brewer looked around the carnage, still in shock over what she saw, unable to bring herself to get closer to any of the bodies,


"There's a pulse! It's the bride! She's still alive!"

"What about the groom?!"

"He's gone, guys. Only one survivor."

Some of the responders, Brewer included, began to scramble as a gurney was brought out and the lone survivor was loaded on it: an auburn haired Caucasian woman in a torn, bloodstained wedding dress. Blood also poured from her left shoulder, right side, and a graze on her head.

As her eyes slowly opened to the sight of the event hall's ceiling and an oxygen mask was placed over her face, the bride let out a weak groan

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As her eyes slowly opened to the sight of the event hall's ceiling and an oxygen mask was placed over her face, the bride let out a weak groan.

While being wheeled away, one can notice a pamphlet of the reception program sitting on one of the tables left standing, with the names of the groom and the bride printed at the top in fancy font.


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