Home Invasion

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Despite what he said to Mickey, Jake did not go to his place after escaping the building. Instead, he chose to return to his hideout with the two cases.

"Fuck..." he groaned to himself as he crashed on the mattress hind first, sitting down cross legged as he took off the balaclava and opened up the nearby half-empty beer bottle.

Jake huffed as he took a sip of beer, doing nothing but eyeing the two cases of money.

"At least his info was correct," he muttered to himself. "I might as well send him more than half the money..."

As he put the bottle down, he felt his eyelids get heavier before accepting his abrupt burden, lying down on the mattress and letting his eyes close.


Lynn stormed through the halls of the building.

"Chief Watson,..."

She stopped her steps when she noticed the door to the chief's office was closed, with another cop standing guard in front of the door.

"Not now, Michaels. He's taking a call." the cop told her sternly.

Lynn huffed. "What could be so important?"


"Jake, dear? Are you awake yet?"

Jake suddenly found himself in a different place. Not the empty apartment building filled with weapons, dirty clothes, and the occasional beer, but home, his home from before the Time Heist, before everything came crashing down for him again.


He looked up to see a certain Sokovian beauty smiling down upon him.

He looked up to see a certain Sokovian beauty smiling down upon him

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His eyes widened upon registering what he was seeing. He saw Wanda, and she didn't look odd or relentlessly berate him with a repeating mantra. Instead, he saw genuine kindness, warmth, and love from her gesture, something he has not felt since the night before the Time Heist.

 Instead, he saw genuine kindness, warmth, and love from her gesture, something he has not felt since the night before the Time Heist

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