The Lost Soldiers

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The next thing Rachel knew, she was on the run from the authorities as emergency services and police pulled up to the hospital.

"Where are we going?" Rachel asked Jake as they moved into an alley.

"Just follow me, Rach. We'll be fine..."

"Not the first time I've heard that before everything goes to shit."

"Oh, shut up."

"Yeah, you're the Jake I know, alright."

Jake rolled his eyes as they weaved through the nearest doorway, shutting the door behind them as they did so. They tiptoed up the nearest flight of stairs as the faint sirens in the background continued.

By the time they reached the second floor, Jake backed off a little bit as a figure appeared on the stairs.

It was a fair-skinned man who definitely looked older than both him and Rachel with slicked-back black hair and a suit that seemed a little too big for him but fit well.

It was a fair-skinned man who definitely looked older than both him and Rachel with slicked-back black hair and a suit that seemed a little too big for him but fit well

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Regardless, Jake's eyes widened.

"Colonel Yorkie Mitchell?" Jake whispered to his fellow ex-Marine.

"Wait, as in the British officer from our EOD training?" Rachel whispered back.

"Yeah. You think we can trust him?"

Rachel hummed for a little bit as Jake watched Yorkie reach for the door to one of the apartments, which made the Punisher raise an eyebrow.

"Does he live here? this place is abandoned. He's definitely not here for a vacation," he wondered.

"Let's ask," Rachel suggested.

"Ah, fuck it."

With one more stifled grunt, Jake made his way towards Mitchell's direction as Rachel followed suit.

"You do realize, I have enough experience to know you're there, right?" Yorkie spoke up before he could open the door.

"Well, do you know who we are?" Jake asked back softly as Rachel's eyes widened.


Yorkie turned around to see the two ex-Marines there and his eyes slightly widened.

"Well, Private Cole is one thing, but you, Sergeant Castle all hunky-dory? Now that's something," Yorkie said.

"Sir, with all due respect, I prefer to go by Cole-Alves," Rachel said, getting a hum and nod from Yorkie.

"So, you planning on telling the whole world?" Jake asked.

Yorkie hummed again before speaking up, "Normally, I would, but I can tell you need the secrecy. Come inside. I've got some beer in the fridge."

"Good enough for me," Rachel noted as she and Jake went inside the apartment as Yorkie followed suit and shut the door.

Altered MCU's Punisher: The Reawakened (OC Castle story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now