Make It Rain

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As she walked around with her taiyaki, Lynn noticed something in the corner of her eye.

"Chief Watson? What happened to that arrest warrant announcement?"

As she saw the police chief of Tampa exit the alley, Lynn turned away to hide and face the nearby Cuban sandwich shop, hood up.

"Can I help you, senorita?" the stall owner noted.

Lynn managed a smile. "How much for one of your sandwiches? I'd love to try some."

"Six dollars for the classic. Ten for my personal all-in-one."

"Classic one, please."

As she waited, Lynn turned around to check the alley the chief came from. He was not in her sight anymore.

"What were you doing there?" she whispered to herself as she took the sandwich and made her way to the alley.


Blazing through the Tampa streets, Johnny did not stop for anything. He only had one thing in his mind as Rosalie held on in the co-driver's seat.

"You didn't have to come with me, Rosie." Johnny told her. "I don't want to lose you to those Cuban fucks."

"Papa taught me a thing or two about handguns." Rosalie told him as she loaded her Glock. "Besides, I have to avenge him...we have to avenge him, and if I didn't try, I'd fail him."

"Alright, but stick close, okay? Artur will take point for us."

"I know."

As this happened, a plethora of sedans and vans followed them, all filled with mobsters loading and cocking guns.


Despite the news of Julius Carbone's death, everything was in order and proper function in the mob's chief wash money operation in the family's private tower

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Despite the news of Julius Carbone's death, everything was in order and proper function in the mob's chief wash money operation in the family's private tower.

Three men cycled through the money in the building, making sure everything is clean and untraceable.

As this happened, one man was eating chips during work, using tweezers to feed himself to keep the money clean.

On what would've been his thirteenth chip, the eater noticed too late that his tweezers grabbed nothing but air.

"What the fu-"

His curse was cut short when he noticed a Desert Eagle aimed at him courtesy of a certain masked man.

His curse was cut short when he noticed a Desert Eagle aimed at him courtesy of a certain masked man

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