Si Vis Pacem

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Mickey made it to the counter just in time to see none other than Johnny Towers and Rosalie Carbone, accompanied by a duo of men in suits, though it was clear that they were armed with how their hands wandered to what was behind their coats.

"Good day, Mickey." Rosalie greeted.

"Mickey." Johnny grunted.

"Good morning to you two." Mickey replied, forcing a smile.

"You don't look happy to see us." Rosalie noted. "Did something happen?"

"I punched my TV." Mickey explained. "Found an old video game, got too into it, you get what I mean, right?"

"You're supposed to be our arms guy, not fumble around with old consoles." Johnny noted. "Anyway, we've been informed with a phone call that Chief Watson was here."

"Oh..." Mickey stammered, "Well, yeah, he was here. I can confirm."

"I also heard from him that the cop bitch, Michaels, was here too."

This time, however, Mickey said nothing but gibberish.

"Um, well, see..."

"Was she here, Mickey?" Rosalie asked. "Did Michaels show up here?"

"Y-Yeah, she...she was here, came probably five minutes after Watson did." Mickey explained.

"And?" Johnny interrupted, arms crossed.

"Um, what?"

"And what did she do here?" Johnny asked again, voice growing louder with each word.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Mickey exclaimed, only to cover his mouth after hearing what he just said.

Johnny's eyes widened at the idea of someone like Mickey raising his voice towards him.

"Did you just...raise your voice at me?" Johnny hissed as he took a step forward towards Mickey.

"Johnny, please don't..." Rosalie said in a pleading voice, grabbing his arm to dissuade him from what he may do.

The boss turned to his fiancée then back to Mickey.

"...You finally got balls. Good to know." Johnny said, taking a step back, which made Rosalie let go of him...only for him to lunge forward, hopping over the counter and grabbing Mickey by the collar of his shirt before pushing him against the wall.

only for him to lunge forward, hopping over the counter and grabbing Mickey by the collar of his shirt before pushing him against the wall

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"Johnny!" Rosalie exclaimed with wide eyes as she tried hopping the counter.

"I'm not buying your bullshit! I know that cop bitch came here about the chief, so you tell me now or I'm gonna-"

"Johnny, enough!"

Just hearing her voice softened Johnny's grip on a wide-eyed Mickey's shirt.

"One last time, Mickey: What. Did. Michaels. Do. Here?"

Altered MCU's Punisher: The Reawakened (OC Castle story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now