Igniting Fires

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Lynn had a bad feeling that she was being watched on her way home

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Lynn had a bad feeling that she was being watched on her way home. Every now and then, she looked around, whether she was still walking through the streets of Tampa or stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

Regardless, she made her way back home after accelerating her steps, never stopping until she was back in her apartment with the door locked.


Lynn slumped back on the sofa as she took her jacket off, eyes wandering around her apartment until they landed on an old, small camera sitting on the coffee table. With a sigh, she leaned forward to pick it up and turn it on.

She started cycling through the pictures in the camera, all taken from many, many years ago.

"What happened to you, 'War?'"

She stopped at a picture of herself and another boy, both in their high school years, wearing matching white shirts that said "JUDO CLUB." In the background was the faint image of a trophy.

Flashback, 2006...

"'The Hound of the Baskervilles,' huh?"

Young Lynn Michaels looked up from her book to see a boy around her age, having spent the last few minutes cross-legged on the floor. Given they were wearing the same shirts indicating the judo club, Lynn mused that this one was a fellow judoka.

"Yeah. What about it?" she asked back.

"Nothing. Just took notice." the boy answered as he sat with crossed legs just in front of her.

"Dude, how am I supposed to read my book if you're just going to stare?"

"I don't have to, Baskerville." the boy reached into his bag to reveal a copy of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

Lynn chuckled, putting her book down, saying "Should I just call you 'War' then or something?"

"Sounds cool, but then again, we haven't been properly introduced."

"Well, my name's not 'Baskerville,' it's Lynn Michaels."

"Well, Lynn, I'm Jake. Jake Castle."

The two shook hands.


Lynn turned off the camera and put it back on the coffee table as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she now had cup noodles ready to be eaten. Before she could dig in and reach for her fork, Lynn felt something press against her back.

"Don't move, we're going to have a quiet chat." a man's voice whispered as Lynn started processing whatever was against her back, concluding that it was a gun.

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