Tensions Rise

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After the alley shootout...

In the middle of what was supposed to be a peaceful sleep, Jake found himself standing on Vormir again, more specifically, that mountain where he lost everything once more.

In the middle of what was supposed to be a peaceful sleep, Jake found himself standing on Vormir again, more specifically, that mountain where he lost everything once more

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"Why?" he heard a familiar voice.

Jake turned to where the cliff was to see...

Jake turned to where the cliff was to see

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It was indeed the late Wanda Maximoff, but Jake was quick to notice some things were off about her. The red in her outfit was black, her skin was paler, almost like a vampire, and dark cracks appeared under her glowing red eyes.

"Why did you let me die?" she said.

Jake said nothing as he fell on a knee out of shock.

"If you loved me so much, why did you let me die?" she spoke monotonously once again.

"Y-You're not real..." he stammered back, breathing heavy with uncertainty as he saw the apparition of Wanda multiply until a crowd of them surrounded him.

"...It should've been you...It should've been you..."

She and the other doubles continued speaking those same words in a mad mantra as Jake felt his other knee hit the ground.

"No...I...I couldn't...I..." he stuttered as Wanda's harsh words continued sounding in his mind. He pressed his palms against his head as the pain intensified with each repeat.

"...It should've been you..."

"...I'm sorry, Wanda...I'm...I'm sorry...I...I couldn't..."

Jake awoke with a loud gasp, aiming the Desert Eagle next to him at no one in particular. Once again, he was all alone in the abandoned apartment he called both home and a base of operations.

With a sigh, he put the gun down in favor of another thing next to him: a small notebook with a pen right beside it.

"Fuck it."

Altered MCU's Punisher: The Reawakened (OC Castle story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now