Forces At Work

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(RIP Ray Stevenson)

If there was one thing the Tampa Police Department agreed on, it was that the massacre that took place in one of the city's clandestine bars was a complete mess. As Tampa's illustrious police chief exited his squad car, he watched as officers assessed the aftermath.

Eventually, one of the other officers walked up to the chief, saying

"Chief, we haven't identified much on who the shooter is, but we do know that they are armed and extremely dangerous."

Chief Joshua Watson sighed before crouching past the crime scene tape, weaving past the other officers before noticing one policewoman crouched down, looking at some of the bodies.

He sighed as he could recognize that dirty blonde hair and need to crouch down in front of dead bodies anywhere.

He sighed as he could recognize that dirty blonde hair and need to crouch down in front of dead bodies anywhere

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"Michaels, what do you know so far?"

The woman sighed.

"Work of a professional, or professionals. The way these bullets were able to hit their target dead-on, plus evidence of a mine just next to the nearby exit door. These guys knew how they would respond to the initial shooting." she explained as she stood up to face the chief.

"Any witnesses?" he asked.

"We only know witnesses heard the sound of an automatic firearm coming from here, but no one can give any details on the shooters. Although the victims...they're enforcers for the Carbone Mo-"

"I don't wanna hear any excuses, Detective. No one is above the law, and whoever did this will be brought to justice, no exceptions."

With those final words, Chief Watson huffed, leaving Detective Lynn Michaels be as he walked away. She turned back to the gory scene before her, sighing.


As she walked around the mansion garden with Johnny, Rosalie noted that her father was NOT having a good day, given the overflowing amount of red wine being poured into his glass, all while sitting alone, no Artur or any guards in sight.

"What's the matter, Papa?"

He sighed.

"Some of our boys got shot up last night in Warren's by some ghost shooter. It was a massacre." Julius said softly.

That made the couple's eyes widen and their bodies freeze briefly at the thought of someone shooting up a bar full of mobsters and escape without a trace.

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