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(Scarlett's outfit ^^)

(This chapter is pure smut btw)


𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢

I moaned loudly as I jerked against the cuffs as Scarlett walked back in, "Please." She took her hair out of the ponytail it was in and kneeled down on the bed.

"Did you have fun?" I shake my head no and look up at her, She smiled and pulled the penis plug out of me.

I whimpered feeling the vibration fade, My cum shot up and onto her lips. I whimpered softly as I continued to cum.

She smeared my cum on my lips and licked it off while kissing me, making me taste myself on her tongue.

I moaned into the kiss as I jerked at the handcuffs, "Take these off now." I groaned pulling against them.

"But I don't want to." She pulled out the riding crop from the bag and looked at me, "Wait you said, I was gonna get a reward?"

"This is your reward." I flinched feeling her drag the riding crop across my face, She smacked it across my face making me groan.

"Your hard again? From being hit in the face." I whimpered biting my lip, "That's not-" I cut off my own words with a moan as she hits me again.

"Stop talking."

"Yes ma'am." She took off the cuffs and tossed them on the floor, She removed her outfit and straddled me.

I pulled her up and laid down, "What are you doing?"

"It's more effective this way." I put her on top of my head, so her pussy was centered right above my mouth.

"I'm gonna crush you like that." I chuckled and stuck my tongue out.

"Just ride my face."

She moved slowly as my stuck my tongue out licking her clit, She moaned softly and I gripped her thighs pushing my head up as I swirled my tongue against her.

"Ride me properly." She moved faster making me smirk, I licked up and down dragging my tongue between her folds as she pulled at my hair.

"Alessandro." She moaned loudly making me smack her butt, "The people in the room next to us will hear you." I mutter against her pussy as she grabbed my hair.

"It's your fault." I smirked and held her tightly, I was treating her pussy as if it was her mouth. My tongue swirled around, "Fuck." I stroked myself while imy tongue devoured her.

"I wanna help you." She flipped around and leaned down so now my dick was right against her mouth. I moaned when she suddenly took me in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as she placed her hands on my legs.

I moaned as I continued to devour her with my tongue, flicking it up and down; slowly. I groaned feeling her deep throat me.

"Fuck, baby." I lapped up the juices that spilled out of her, as I thrusted my hips up hitting the back of her throat.

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