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I was half asleep once we got to 7th period.I could barley keep my eyes open.I felt something hit my head and I sat up seeing a piece of paper in front of me.I furrowed my eyebrows but picked it up to see what it was or what it said.

wake up- lex

I turned around and squinted my eyes at her,she motioned her hand as if she were telling me to write back.I faced forward and grabbed my pen.

fuckin bitch,I was sleeping-Jess

I threw it back.

you ain't finna cheat off me for answers-lex

yes hoe I am-Jess


shut the fuck up-Jess

she didn't write back since the bell rang.I didn't have basketball practice today because we have Tuesday's and Thursdays off,I was glad because I wasn't in the mood to go.Lexi walked over to me."Who's house?" she asked.

every time I don't have practice we all hang out,like go to the mall,swimming,go out to eat,or chill at whoever's house were at.

"Maybe Susan's."I shrugged.She nodded her head and we went our separate ways so we could go get our things.

I was outside with Savana waiting for Susan and Lexi.I saw Nate walk out,he turned,seeing me.He smiled and walked over to me."Hey."he said."Hey" I smiled back. "Wanna hang out today?"he asked.I looked over at Savana and she raised her eyebrow."I would but I'm gonna hang out with my girls today." he nodded his head."Oh okay,maybe some other time." "yeah...maybe." I smiled.

Lexi and Susan walked out. "Oh, I uh,I gotta go." I said pointing my thumb over to my friends. "Yeah same,I'll catch ya later." he said walking off. "Oh and Jess,you were right about the jacks and Sammy oh and John." he smiled.I smiled too,glad he had made a group of friends.


We all decided on going to the mall.Lucky me I just got paid,and stole a couple of 50's from my brother.We were all sitting at the food court.I decided on Thai food and they all got regular Chinese food.

"So Jess,what's with you and new boy Nate?"Lexi asked,drinking some of her soda.I chuckled,"Oh nothing,were just...friends."I smiled. "What took you so long to say friends,hmm?" Susan smirked."Guys I swear we are just friends.Nothin else.Yeah i think hes amazingly hot,but i doubt we'll ever be like,an item.You know what I'm sayin' ?"I said,putting mango chicken in my mouth.

I dropped the girls off and I was on my way home.

"Ahh shit." I mumbled,seeing my mom just get home.She heard my car and turned around.Her smiled faded into a straight face,she stood next to her car with a hand on her hip until i turned off my car.I walked over to her with bags in my hand a bag that has my food in.

"Heyy mom."I slowly smiled.She folded her arms over her chest."Thai food?"i asked holding the bag out."Why didn't you tell me you were going to the mall?You could've worried your brother." I laughed, "mom really, 'worried my brother' he doesn't even care.And also mom i completely forgot to call you...I'm sorry."I said with a pouty face.She sighed "get inside." I smiled and jumped inside.


I was up all night basically looking for an outfit.I groaned and sighed since I couldn't find one.

I walked to my vanity and grabbed my phone.Going to messages and tapping on a special someone's name.

{Jess : hey ... you up?}

I hit send and placed my phone down.I walked back to my bed where all the bags and clothes were.I heard my text vibrate and squealed.

{Nate🙄 : although it's 5 am , yes I am.Wassup lil mama?}

{Jess : well I can't sleep bc i can't find an outfit,mind coming over and helping me out?}

{Nate🙄 : b there in ten,address?}

I sent the address and smiled,and squealed.

About 10 mintues later, like he said, he came.I made him take his shoes off so he wouldn't make noise while walking up the stairs.My room was at the end of the hall,the very very last one and I was actually the only one that slept on this side.Since my older brother and sister moved out because they have a family of there own.Also since Kevin room is on the side that my parents room is on.Theres a big space since the stair way is separating the sides.

"Okay,"I sighed "Look at the clothes and tell me which one you like best." I said sitting on my chair."Hmm."he hummed.

He grabbed a green t-shirt and white jeans with all white hurrachies (yall know what I'm talkin bout?) "Here,try this on."He said handing me the clothes.

I walked to my bathroom and tried on the clothes.

I stood in the door way and put my hand on my hip while putting all my weight on one leg.

He smiled."You look good." "Yes!Thank you so much Nate."I smiled and went to hug him."No problem.Except that shirt makes it sound like you're in your feels."He chuckled.I looked at it and saw it said 'Hello i miss you quit terribly' I shrugged."It's cute though." "True.Well I'm tired,I should go home." "Oh yeah,"I sighed. "Later Jess." "Bye Nate." I smiled as he walked out the front door and to his car.

{word count : 935}

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