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I was laying on my stomach on my bed texting the girls asking when they were coming over so we could hang out.Ive been with Nate lately so it's the least i could do.I got up to look for some clothes in my closet.I didn't wanna go all out with my outfit so i just grabbed my Kylie Jenner sweatpants, a random tank top and red puma sneakers.I brushed my hair into a high ponytail and washed my face. I lightly filled in my eyebrows and then walked over to Kevin's room.

I knocked and he yelled what.I opened the door and he was playing the playstation. "The girls are coming over so if you want to leave, nows your chance." "Yeah i'll go in a bit." He said while he was on the phone talking to someone.I walked out and shut his door, walking to the kitchen.

I saw a note on the island and saw it was my moms handwriting.It most likely just says how she's gonna be out of town and that she left some money.I crumbled it up then throwing it away into the trash.I grabbed a snack,checking my phone because i felt it ring.

{Nate🤤: wyd ma}
{Jess✨: waiting for the girls to come over}
{Nate🤤: ooo fun}
{Jess✨: what about you?}
{Nate🤤:i'm actually about to go over to G's house cause he's having a party, you and your friends should come.}

I looked at my backyard and saw the dirty pool of mine. 'I mean... i doubt anyone would want to go swimming in there..' I said to my self.

{Jess✨: i'll think about it(: }
{Nate🤤: Okay just lmk and if y'all don't know the address just text me}
{Jess✨: Okay}


I set my phone down and walked over to my room till i heard the girls walk in.

"We're here!" Lexi yelled.I turned around the corner and smiled. "Hey!"I answered. They all said hi back and gave me a hug. We walked into the living room and sat down. "So Gilinsky is throwing a party...y'all tryna go or...?" I said. "Gilinsky? Hell yeah. He has the wildest party's in omaha." Susan said. "Great! Come one let's go get dressed." I said.

We went to my room and Lexi and I started on our makeup while Savana and Susan did there hair.I wanted to do something that would match my outfit and since i already planned out what i was going to wear in my head, i knew just the look to do.I did my eyebrows then my eyeshadow before foundation and everything else.

When i finished I walked over to my closet and grabbed my outfit,A blue crop top, shorts and my low-rise skater vans.

When i finished I walked over to my closet and grabbed my outfit,A blue crop top, shorts and my low-rise skater vans

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{make up}

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{make up}

Susan was doing her makeup so i went to do my hair. I slicked it up into a bun and brushed my baby hairs back nicely.

I plugged my phone in and decided to let Nate know we were going.

{Nate🤤: hey(: we're gonna go}
{Jess✨: bet let me send the addy}
{Nate🤤: *random address*}
{Jess✨: see you there😉}

I played my music loud and walked into my restroom to see how i look in different lighting.

"Do i look okay?" I ask. Lexi turns to me, "Sis, you look fine don't worry." I laughed while Susana and Savana agreed with her.

At around 9 we were all ready so we left to the party.I wrote Kevin a note on the island saying where i was and to not worry about me.


We made it at around 10:30 and everyone was already there. As soon as we got out Susan's car Lexi screamed and ran inside to drink.I stayed behind Susan and Savana so i could ask Nate where he was. I was about to send the text till i felt a arm on me.

"Hey."I turned and smiled. "Hey!" "You made it." Nate smiled. "Yeah! We couldn't miss out on the first party of the year." I joked. He chuckled "Come on, let's go drink." He walked off to the kitchen and i followed behind him.I made sure to grab onto his arm since there was so many people everywhere.

Either standing up and dancing or sitting on the couch, there was people everywhere. I'm surprised, Jacks house is gigantic. Nate made me a drink, and i took a sip. "It's strong!" He yelled so i could hear him over the music. "I like them strong!" I answered and drowned the whole drink. He raised his eyebrows and i began to laugh.

He made me another and we both chugged them at the same time.People were chanting in the background and they watched.

"Aye when the pizza man gets here let me know!" We heard Gilinsky yell while he was standing at the top of the loft upstairs. "And how exactly are we supposed to know it's here?" I laughed. Nate shrugged and we both laughed. "Anyways! Ima take this." I said grabbing the bottle of Grey Goose. "Aye okay." Nate smirked.

I laughed and grabbed his arm to go dance.We were dancing and i was taking some shots. I gave some to him and to others around me.The pizza guy arrived, along with 5 others. We ran to get some pizza. "I hate dominos but it taste fucking good right now." I laughed.


10 shots later and i was gone.Nate was drunk with me and we did nothing but dance and have the time of our lives. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started laughing. "What's funny?" He ask. "I don't know!" I said and continued laughing. He shook his head and we both continued dancing.

I found Lexi talking to some guy i had never seen before and yelled here name. "Lexi!" She looked over at me. I raised my thumbs and yelled "Get it!" She started laughing and so did he. Me and Nate we're dancing and i felt my self get dizzy.

"I don't feel so good." I said and backed up. He furrowed his eyebrows, "What's wrong?" "It's.. oh no." I ran and grabbed lexis arm pulling her to the backyard. I bent down and she pulled my hair while i threw up.

I whipped my mouth and she rubbed my back. "I think it's time to go home Jess." I nodded my head and she helped me walk over to Nate. "She needs to get home." Nate wrapped his arm around me, "I got her." He said and walked with me outside. I was holding on to my stomach and groaned.


Nate took me inside my house and laid me down on my bed. He moved some hair out of my face and threw a blanket on me. "Night Jess."

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