one {new}

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I woke up from my alarm going off.I groaned and picked up my phone off my night stand to turn it off.I checked the time and saw it was 7:55.


I got out of bed and went straight to my bathroom,brushing my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth.Then went to my closet and chose out a plain grey shirt with ripped skinny jeans and my grey nikes.I grabbed my phone and walked out my room to the kitchen and grab something to eat.My brother,Kevin was there.

"Just wake up?"He snickered."Shut up."I rolled my eyes."What time is it?"I mumbled to my self.It was 8:15."Oh shit I'm late." I said and quickly grabbed a granola bar and water and ran out my door to my car.I rushed out my driveway and down the street.


I ran into the building and straight to my locker.I running to my class and bumbled into someone,falling and dropping my things."Are you serious!"I groaned."Oh shit sorry.I was looking at my schedule I'm um,lost." he said while helping me up and with my things."New kid huh," I looked up and got lost at how attractive he is."Uhh,uhh ha,um l-let me see y-your schedule I'll help you." I struggled to say."Thanks."He smiled.

I looked at it and saw we had 1st period together."Follow me,we have first period together,Algebra.The teacher is really chill and fun." "Sweet."


I found out new kids name when the teacher said it,Nathan Maloley,he prefers Nate..
I was at lunch with my friends,Susan,Lexi and Savana."Y'all the new kid is so damn cute!" I said while putting some pasta in my mouth."I know,we have 2nd period together,is that who you were with when I saw you?"Lexi asked."Yeah." I answered "Mm,I was confused at why you where there." She laughed while picking at her pizza.

We were all in a conversation until I heard someone behind me clear there throat.I turned around with a confused face but then saw it was Nate.

"H-hey Nate." I said."Hey I was wondering if I could sit here,since ion really have any friends yet." I moved my tray infront of me and patted the seat next to mine, "Go ahead." I smiled. He put his tray down and sat next to me.I decided to talk to Nate and let him know about the "groups" we have in this school,I told him which group he would probably fit in most with since he told all of his interest and hobbies.


I was looking down at my phone,walking to the gym as I heard someone running behind me."Hey Jess." I looked up and smiled."Hey Nate,you trying out for basketball or?" "Actually since I made the team at my old school I don't need to." "Oh well look at you,the boys are gonna be jealous of you."I said,putting my phone in my back pocket. He laughed "the only thing they'll be jealous about is that I'm talking to the finest girl in this school."

Is there a limit to blushing? Is there!? Because I think I just broke the limit to blushing.

"Well aren't you sweet." I smiled. "I'm serious,if I saw you talkin to another guy,I'd be beyond jealous.Like over the top jealous.Id beat the world record to being jealous." I am a giggling mess.How can someone be so sweet?

I laughed and grabbed his arm "come on,we got basketball practice to get to."


this is the first whole brand new chapter to my fav book.
as you can tell it is extremely different.
and um yeah it's not just like 100 words this time.

comment what y'all think about it so far

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