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I walked into school and looking down at my phone. I was texting Nate asking where he was. He hasnt messaged me back so i'm pretty sure he's asleep still.

"Jess." I heard behind me. I looked up from my phone and turned around. "Come here." Lexi waved me over. "Yeah?" I ask as i walked over. "Come on we're leaving." "What?" "We decided that were all gonna leave." "And do what?" "Go to the mall, eat. You know things you do outside of school." She said like i should've known. "Whos all of us?" "Me, Susan, Savana, the Jacks, Nate, and Sammy." "Okay."

I only decided to go because i knew Nate wouldve asked me to. We walked outside through the doors where there was no security guard. "Wheres Nate?" I asked just in case they knew. "Oh he's having us meet at his house, but he'll text us when he wakes up." Susan said. "Oh okay."

We were walking to Jacks car and saw everyone there. "Hey." Lexi chimed. "Hey." I leaned against the car. "So what are we doin first?" Johnson asked. Susan shrugged "Lets go eat im hungry." "Yes." Sam rubbed his hands together.

Susan, Savana and Johnson all went in Jacks car and me and Lexi got into Sammys.

We drove to Chic-fil-a. "So, whos paying?" I joked. We walked in and sat down first. We all said what we were going to eat so the Jacks could go order for us.

I felt my phone vibrate. Nate texted letting me know he was awake. I texted back saying where we were. "Nates on his way." "Good, you dont have to third wheel anymore." Lexi said. "That wasn't really third wheeling, y'all just didn't talk to me the way here." "Exactly, third wheeling." Sam laughed.

"Aye wassup." Sam stood up and daped with Nate. "Hey." I smiled. Lexi slid out the both to let Nate sit next to me. He pulled me into a hug with one arm. "The Jacks are waiting to take our order so im sure you still have time to let them know what you want." "Alright." He got up and went in line with them.

"Why dont we move to a table?" Sam suggested. "Yeah im sure that'll be easier." Savana answered. We pushed two tables together and sat down. The boys came back and we continued to wait for our food to arrive.

"Okay so after this we're gonna go to the outlets, then the mall." Jack said. "We should go to the beach after!" I said. "Yes!" Lexi agreed. "Alright. But if we do ima take my jeep, we all will fit." Jack said.

The waitress brought our food and we dug in. "Okay so when we go to your house to get the jeep where do i put my car?" Sam asked. "We'll go to my house after the mall, then get in my jeep and well go to the school so you can park it there." Jack said. "Alright."


We walked around the mall, bought some swimsuits for the beach. We ate lunch there and had to push some tables together. "Okay so we'll go to jack, change then to school to drop off Sams car, then the beach?" I asked to make everything clear. "Yup." Lexi said. "Okay." I ate my Chinese food and we all talked.

We finished and drove to Jacks. We snuck into the basement because his mom was still home and she doesn't go into the basement. Me and the girls changed in the restroom and the boys changed out there.

"Alright, lets dip." Lexi said. We snuck back out and got into Jacks jeep.


We made it to the beach and laid our towels down. I put on some tanning lotion and began to tan. "Dont tell me this all you gonna do today." Nate said to me. "Yuhp. I need a tan. Tired of being pale." He smacked my lips and grabbed onto my waist. "What the fuck are you doing?" I said. "Come on." He pulled me up and i started laughing. "Oh my gosh Nate are you serious!" "I wanna spend some quality time with my girl, and we aint gon do that with you tanning all day." He said while carrying me.

I laughed and shook my head.

After the beach we went out to eat again and went to Panda Express. "I've been craving chinese all day." "You crave chinese everyday what do you mean." Susan laughed. "Nah for real." Savana added. "The fuck up." I squinted my eyes at them.

y'all probably hate me, sorry):
{word count: 776}

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