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Nate and I were at my house."Why'd you move over here?" I asked." I got into to much trouble at my other school so my mom figured if I moved schools then I'd get better." "What kinda trouble?" "Stupid shit.I would always get into fights after school and shit so we moved." He shrugged."But you were on the basketball team." "Yeah?" "I thought you can't fight if you can't be on the team." "It wasn't on school campus."

I lifted my head up as an "oh". I got up and walked to the kitchen to get some snacks."Want anything?" I called."Doesn't matter." He shrugged.

I grabbed some chips,a water for me and a soda for Nate.I walked back into the living room and Nate was channel surfing.I leaned against the wall, my shoulder against it."Just choose something already." Nate turned around and chuckled, "there's nothing on." "well there is a whole case of movies right next to the t.v."I laughed.He shrugged once again."Maybe i wanna watch t.v." "I'd rather watch a movie." "If you insist."He said.I laughed and walked over looking for my favorite.I saw it and smiled, Dazed and Confused. "You ever seen this bad boy?"I asked and showed him the movie."Dazed an Confused..heard of it never seen it." "What!This is probably one of the best dopiest movies ever made in the 90's." "Well pop it in ma."

I sat down next him and wrapped a blanket around me since the ceiling fan was on. Ahh Randal aka Pink,my childhood crush honestly.I dont always like long hair but on him its quit attractive.Also on Nate, he can totally rock a man bun.


It was 8.I had fallen asleep on Nates shoulder, I realized when I woke up."Oh shit sorry."I laughed with a raspy voice."It's alright ma.But it is late, I gotta get goin."We stood up."Alright,I'll see you tomorrow."I smiled he smiled back.

I walked him to the front door and opened it."Bye Nate." "Bye jess." He hugged me and walked out.I watched him back out and I closed my door and locked it.I went to the bathroom and showered. I got out, put on my pajamas and went to bed.


Finally.... a update

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