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He walked me up his porch."Nate im actually like,really nervous." I laughed."Don't be.My folks are nice." He unlocked the door and let me in first.He grabbed my hand,"Let me show you around first." "You sure you don't want me to meet them first?" "Moms probably still making dinner and my dads probably in the garage." "Okay."

He showed me the living room,dinning room and the other living room.Not the kitchen because that's where his mom is.He guided me upstairs.He showed me his brothers room,and introduced me to him.He seems nice.We saw the spare bedroom and he told me how it used to be his sisters.He showed me his parents room, the spare bed room and last his room.We actually walked into this one.

He had posters of models and Bob Marley.He had a lot of vans and hats,the vans aligned amongst the wall and the hats hanging on it."Wow Nate your rooms actually pretty big,compared to your brothers." I said looking at a Kate Upton poster."I used to have his but i complained about how small it was so i got this one."I laughed."Childish." He shrugged."It's better.I mainly wanted it for when my homeboys would come over but we go to the basement."

"Basement?I didn't see that." "You wanna see?" "Duh." He put his hands up in the are."Well damn, i didn't know you had attitude.I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.I followed him downstairs and into the basement.It was really nice.You could tell him and his friends come down here.

"This is where me and my friends come chill." Knew it."Nate!Stewy!Dinner!" His mom yelled.I got butterflies in my stomach knowing that i was about to meet his mom.I know Nate and I are only friends but i always get nervous when it comes down to meeting parents.

"Come one." he smiled.I started following him up the stairs and to the kitchen.Nate walked in first, i didn't get to yet because his mom started talking."Nate go get your brother."She said."Yeah but uh i wanna introduce you to my new friend.He grabbed my hand and i walked into the dinning room.I waved and said hi while smiling."Mom,dad, this is my friend Jessica." His mom put down the plate of food she was holding and walked over to me."Hi!Oh my goodness Nathan she's so pretty!" She squealed.I laughed."Shes just a friend mom." "Mhm.Now go get your brother.Jessica why don't you come sit down."She said and pulled out a seat for me.Nate walked upstairs and i went over to the table.

"How'd you and Nate meet?" His mom asked."On his first day i bumped into him and we both have the same first period so i walked with him." I smiled."Oh how nice."She smiled.Nate came down with his brother and they both sat down.We all ate in silence until his dad spoke."So,uh Jessica,do you play any sports?" I nodded my head and swallowed my food. "I play basketball." "Oh really."He said."Yeah, i've been playing since 4th grade." "Oh around the same time as Nate." "Really?Hm that's cool." "You know Nate plays at the school too right?" "She's who i sometimes hang out with after practice."Nate said.

"Ohh."His dad replied."Well Jessica,usually most girls are very tomboyish,you seem really girly."His mom said.I laughed,"Yeah i actually am.A few of my friends think it's strange how i'm so different compared to them."I said laughing.They chuckled."Nate how's basketball been?" his dad asked,"Uhh,it's been alright.Coach has been making us do a lot of rounds lately." "Why?" "Sam lost his jersey so till he finds it we have to do rounds." "Well your the caption why don't you anything?" "That's the coached job,I matter during games."

"What's your position Jess?" Stewy asked."I'm also caption." "Really!Well isn't it that cool." His mom chirped.I smiled and shrugged,"Yeah but it's stressful." "Are the girls complicated to work with?" I put my fork down,"I mean i feel like it's harder since they're girls and girls like to have things their way so it's just a little more complicated." I said."Oh really?" Nate spoke.I looked at him,"Yes really." "Hmm, well at least our games are more interesting." I gasped."That is not true.Everyone loves our games." "Pa-lease." His family started laughing.We stopped and looked them,then back at each other and laughed.


Dinner was over.I said bye to his family and he drove me home."I had a fun night.Thanks for inviting me."I said as we pulled into my driveway.He smiled back at me."I'm glad you had fun,i did too and i'm sure the fam likes you." We said our goodbyes and i hopped out his car.I walked up to my door and waved good bye and walked in.

"I'm home."I called.My mom said hey and i went to my room.

i finally updated!!! sorry i haven't

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