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I made sure to let my mom know where i was going this time.I was on my phone waiting for Nate since he went inside his house to get something.

I heard the door open and i looked up from my phone and showed a toothless smile."Hey sorry it took me so long my mom was telling me something and i also couldn't find my wallet." "You didn't have your wallet?" I said confused."No,but don't worry i always keep my drivers license on me."He said while backing out of his driveway.I plugged my phone into the aux and played Kevin Gates.I nodded my head to the beat of the music.I rolled down my window a little bit to feel the fresh air from outside and laid my head back on the seat.

"Yo jess."Nate said.I opened my eyes and turned to him,"Yeah?", "Would you probably go out on a date with me?" He said looking back and forth at me and the road.I blushed a little,i could tell by my ears heating up."Yeah."I answered while smiling,he smiled back.


We arrived at the mall, were both pretty hungry so we went to the food court first.We both got Thai food, mainly because it was my favorite.

"I love there mango chicken, i don't know why but i just do."I said as i devoured the chicken.Nate laughed and just smiled at me,eating his chicken too. I whipped my face before i started to talk,"How about we just call this our first date."I said.He looked up at me,"You want to?" I smile,"Yeah." "Alright,then this our first date."I giggled.


We were walking around,i had my hand wrapped around his bicep.We were at the outside part of our mall."I don't know any stores out here."I shrugged,"Really?Me and my boys would always come out here and goof around and mess with the girls." He said smiling. "Oh, mess with the girls?" "Chill Jess,ion care if i just met you.You my little lady now."He said wrapping his arm around me.I laughed but then stopped and smiled.

I haven't had a boyfriend in like a year and although i just met nate,this feeling i have for him is strong.I used to never believe in love at first sight but i might start.

"Nate."I spoke."Yeah?" "Lets go here."I said pointing at Louis Vuitton. "You got this kinda money?" I laughed,"i wish!I just like to go in there and admire the purses i'll never be able to buy." I shrugged.I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the store.


We were on the car ride home,it was around 8 and i had started to get tired.I lied my head back and closed my eyes. but as soon as i did Nate started to play some unfamiliar music.

I lift my head up,"Who's this?" i asked,my eyebrows furrowed together."Me."He said bluntly,as if i should know."You?" "Yeah,me and my friends make music.They go to our school" "Who?Nate you already have friends at this school?" He laughed,"I've known them from elementary.Jack and Jack,and sam." "Last names please." "Jack Johnson,Jack Gilinsky,and Samuel Wilkinson."

I hit his arm."Your joking!" "Ow! And no i'm pretty serious." He said rubbing his arm."You went to Jefferson Elementary!Nate i did too!" "How come i don't remember you?" "I was short,fat, and really ugly with braces, of course you didn't remember me." He laughed and so did I."Nate i'm shook as fuck." "Shook?" "Shook,shooketh,shocked." He laughed.

Nate pulled into my driveway,i hugged him and thanked him for the great first date.I walked into my house and watched him leave from the window.I went to my room,showered and laid down and instantly fell asleep.

im sorry i haven't updated it forever loves
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