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It was Thursday morning.I walked into school with my makeup done and a dress on.

"What are you all dressed up for?"I hear Lexi say."Didn't know there had to be reason for me to be all dressed up."I said."Well it's extremely unusual since you don't really dress up and you've been taking time on your makeup ever since Nate came."

I hitched in some air."Oh my god.It is because of him isn't it!" "W-what!Ha no,me dressing up for somebody? That's ridiculous!" She completely ignored what I said "It is! Oh my god you like him!" "Now your talking crazy, how can i like someone i've barely meet?" "Hm..true,true....then you think he's hot."She shrugged."Okay, i think he's cute not hot."

"Who do you think is cute and not hot."I here another one of my friends say.I turn around and see Susan."She thinks the new boy Nate is hot."Lexi says.

"I don't think he's hot!I simply think he's attractive!"I raise my voice.

"Oh who cares if you think someone's hot,it's not a big deal.You like someone you like someone it's life."Susan says.I shut my locker and turn towards them "Like i said,i don't like him.I just think he's attractive."

Lexi starts coughing then says "Hot." I turn to her with squinted eyes and shove her.They laughed but i just rolled my eyes.I walked away from them and went to my first period.


I was walking out the school building along with everyone else.I was looking down at my phone as i was walking to my car.I looked up and saw Nate so i walked over to him.

"Well hello there stranger."I laughed.He turned to me with a smile "Hey!" "Where were you in first period today?"I asked.

"Oh i had woken up late." "So why not just stay home?I would've."I chuckled."Well since i'm in basketball practice takes up my time from doing my homework and i'm trying to get a scholarship so i have to keep my grades up." "So what does that have to do with coming to school."i said confused."You didn't let me finish.If i don't go to school then i'd get more homework then I already have and i don't have time for more since i already get a lot." "But don't you have homework since you missed like three classes?"

"No i went to my teachers and asked for the work and did it during lunch." "Jesus Nate you're really on top of your game."I sighed."Ha,yeah i guess."He shrugged."That's good you have a future planned.I wanna be a doctor but i didn't chose the classes that i should've been taking since i was a freshman."I sighed.

"You can still be a doctor.I mean just because you didn't take the classes doesn't mean you can't be one."He said."Yeah your right.Hey wanna come over?My moms gonna be working late and my brother Kevin is out of town with his friends so i don't really wanna be lonely."

"I thought today was the day you hang out with your friends?" "Oh it is,"we had reached my car,"But Susan has some family dinner thing and we'd rather all be together than just one person left out."I said as i was looking for my keys.

"Oh.Then yeah i'll follow you on the way out my car is in the third row."We were standing in the first row.

One thing i hate.The parking lot for students isn't directly in front of the school.Our parking lot is across the football stadium which is next to the building.Its still a far walk from where exit.

"Alright i'll go to your car and then we can go."I smiled a toothless smile.He nodded and walked to his car as i got in.


i'm so sorry i haven't been updating,i'm just so busy with school and everything.

Once the bus drops me off and i come in i get a snack and go upstairs and take a nap.

once again i'm so sorry.

✱ He's The One•N.M ✱ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now