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Nate was over at my place since the night before. School canceled due to snow so he came over. His mom texted him asking if it was okay if he stayed the night since she didnt want him driving on the frozen rode. I said it was fine and she thanked me.

Nate and i were cuddled up on my bed watching Wild Alaska. I love nature and really enjoyed watching documentaries and movies about it, luckily Nate didnt mind. I grabbed my phone and went onto snapchat taking a video of the movie then flipping the screen to me and Nate.

"You always record the two of us." "Uh duh i like to show you off." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "You think they'll cancel school tomorrow too?" Nate asked. "Maybe and hopefully." His phone started to ring and he sat up to answer it.

"Wassup." I zoned him out and focused on the movie. I felt Nate get up. "Babe i gotta go over to the boys house, wanna come?" "Uh, yeah yeah sure." I got up and paused the movie. I put on my white hurrachies and followed him to his car. I got in and we drove to Johns house.


We walked to the backyard from the side of the house, seeing the boys outside. "Wassup." Nate spoke. They all daped and said hi to me. I sat down in one the chairs and zoned into there conversation. "Yo so i was thinkin, with us bein in basketball and all we wont have time to get a job," John spoke. "This why we all came over here?" Johnson asked. "Bro let me finish," John lifted his finger at him, "Well i know just about all of us smoke, so i was thinkin' how bout we start sellin." I raised an eyebrow.

"Shit, anything for some money." Gilinsky shrugged. "Anything he do, i do so." Johnson said pointing at Jack. Mike agreed, since he knows who to get weed from. Sammy was cool with it, just as long as he was able to smoke some. Nate thought about it, "Yeah." he shrugged. "Ight bet, so we all gonna work together but we gotta keep this shit lowkey." We nodded our heads and heard the door bell ring. John walked inside and answered the door, it was pizza. He thanked the delivery boy and brought the food to the back.


It was 7 and everyone was still at Johns place still. John posted on his snapchat that he was throwing a get together.Guess tonight will be fun.


sorry for the late update , ive been busy w dealing about problems w my bf & school but i promise i'll try to update more

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