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a/n: lets skip the fact they graduated already

I was at Nate house watching a random movie while he was helping his dad with something. I heard a knock on the door and looked up. "Hey, just wanted to let you know that dinner is going to be ready in about 40 minuets. Nathans washing up right now." His mom said. I smiled "Okay, i'll go wash as well." She smiled back and shut the door. I looked at my phone seeing it was 6. I texted my mom saying that i was going to eat with them and she was okay with it since she was in a meeting.

I paused the movie and got up to go wash my hands. Nate was in the shower when i walked in. "Hey." I said. He peeked his head out and smiled. I washed my hands and dried them quickly. I heard the water turn off and then Nate called my name. "Yo' Jess!" I turned around. "Yes?" "Can you get my towel? Its hanging on my closet door." I laughed and went to go grab it. "Here." "Thanks." I shut the door after walking out and waited for him in his room.

He walked in and shut the door, locking it too. "How you forget your towel bro?" I laugh. He squinted his eyes at me and laughed "Shut up." "Im just messin with you." I played the movie and focused on it.

Nate laid next to me wearing just shorts. "Ooh chest hair, so sexy." I joke. He laughed, "Be quiet." I went in for a kiss and he ignored me. "Oh." I drag and cross my arms. "You wanna make fun of my chest hair so you don't get no kisses." He replied. "It was a joke." "A hurtful one." I looked at him with a straight face and he laughed leaning over to kiss me.

He cupped my cheek while we began to make out. He got on top of me as our kissing got sloppier by the minute. He trailed down to my neck and back to my lips. He moved his other hand down to my pants and rubbed me through my pants. I softly moaned and i felt his pants get tighter. "Jess you fine with me doing this?" He paused to ask me. "Yes." I quickly said and grabbed his face to connect our lips again.

He unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. Then pulled his down along with his boxers. I didn't bother to look at his...thing because it would be the first i've ever seen in person and i know how ugly they are. I looked into his deep brown eyes without blinking. He looked back at me and entered inside me. My mouth opened at the stinging pain i felt as i stretched.

I didn't know it hurts this much the first time, i squinted my eyes and he caressed my cheek. "It's okay baby." He whispered. I nodded and looked back into his eyes.


After we both cleaned ourselves up we went downstairs. His mom was still setting up the table and his dad was in the garage. Nate went to go help his dad so i decided to go help his mom out. "Mrs. Kamie would you like some help?" I ask. "Oh! That would be nice. Can you please go get some forks, enough for all of us?" I nodded and walked to the kitchen to grab them. I walked out and set them up at all the spots with plates. She walked to the garage door and called Nate and his dad in, then yelled for his brother to come down.

I sat next to nate and Stewart sat across from us. We all began eating and Monte brought up a conversation him and Kamie could talk about. Nate and I had our own conversation and Stewy joined in.

Nate was taking me home since my mom called me and asked for me to come home. "Jess you sure you were fine with us doing that?" He asked. "I looked at him and nodded "If i wasn't then i would've said no. I haven't had sex before because i wasn't ready but i did with you because i am, or was, ready." "I feel bad that i'm the one that took it from you, like why me? I'm ugly as shit." I laughed. "Your'e not ugly, besides i wouldn't want to do that with anyone else but you." I rubbed his arm then kissed his big hands that i love.

We pulled up to the front of my house and i sigh. "I don't want to be here." "Stay with me." He dug his head in my neck. "I wish." He moved his head and looked at me. "You're so beautiful." He whispered. "Not as beautiful as you." I cup his cheek. He laughed and i admired his dimples. We kissed before i had to get out and walk in my house.

I walked to my room and played my music. I heard a knock on my door and went to see who it was. "What?" I ask. "Wanna go get food?" Kevin asks. "I already ate." "You can get a drink." He said. Ugh why can't he just go alone. Kevin is literally 20 and doesn't like going anywhere by himself. "Fine."


When we got back home and i showered but only washed my body. I sat in on my bed with my hair in a wrap and in a big shirt. I checked the website that my teachers upload our work on to see if i had to do anything.

I hate this about my self, i could be free all day but still chose to do homework at night. Im such a procrastinator.

I heard a light knock on my door and then it opened. "Take care of your dog." Kevin groaned. "Leave her alone!" He shut the door once she walked in. She jumped on my bed and i pet her.

Once i was finished with my work i put stuff away and went to bed.

i SUCK at updating but this book was on hold anyway so

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