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It was 12 pm when i woke up.I looked around and saw i was still i️n my clothes from last night.I got up to take a shower since i️ felt dirty.I was looking through my music and chose Motorsport by Migos.

{a/n my mf song atm}

I was yawning the whole time i washed my body.I heard my phone ring, i grabbed my phone with out checking caller id, "Hello?" I asked. "Hey you good?" It was Nate. "Yeah i just have a fatass headache." "Take some advil. It'll somewhat help." "Thanks." "No problem, aye i was wondering if you wanted to go out and grab some lunch." "Yeah." "Ight i'll pick you up in 30 minuets." "Okay." He said bye and hung up.

I washed the soap off my body and turned the water off.I wrapped the towel around my body and hopped out, walking to my closet.First putting on my underwear. I hung the towel up on a hanger and grabbed a wrap for my hair so it'll dry.

{a/n don't wrap your hair in your towel it's actually bad for your hair, try a thin hair wrap that you can buy at a sally's}

I was looking for a outfit to wear, i don't know where we're going to eat so i️ just grabbed a maroon shirt that ties around my body, some dark blue jeans and my air forces.Then added a necklace.

I was looking for my blow dryer but couldn't find it

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I was looking for my blow dryer but couldn't find it. So i figured Kevin did. I knocked on his door till he answered. "Yeah?" "Blow dryer." He walked back in and i heard him whispering to someone. "Yeah well my sister needs i️t." "And your sister doesn't have her own?" "Stassie chill and just get it for me."

Stassie? I feel like i've heard that name before. He handed it to me and i️ thanked him then walked off.

I dryer my hair and threw i️t up in a bun. I lightly drew in my eyebrows and put mascara on. My phone dinged and i glanced at i️t, seeing it was from Nate.

I grabbed my phone and walked outside. "Hey." I smiled. "Hey, still got that headache?" "Mmm, just a little. The advil did somewhat work." He shrugged, "It's the thought that counts." "Yeah." I chuckled.

We hoped into his car and he took us to wherever. "Was i being...dumb, last night?" I asked. "No but you did say that you liked me." "What! Oh my gosh i'm so embarrassed." I blushed. "Ahh i'm just playing with you, but why would you be embarrassed?" "Because, you don't get embarrassed when a girl finds out you like her?" He shrugged, "Kinda." "Exactly." "Its cute though, i like knowing I'm fine." "Shut up." I laughed. He looked at me and laughed back.

Nate pulled into the Chic-fil-a parking lot and we both got out his black Nissan. "Oh my gosh i haven't had this in forever." "I thought you were gonna say you've never had this before." "Oh no, I've had this many times."

We ordered our food and sat down. I was rubbing my head with one hand and scrolling down instagram with the other. I could feel someone starring and i looked up. "Why are you starring?" I asked Nate. "Umm, cause you're beautiful." "Shut up." I giggled. "Fine done believe me." He shrugged. I looked at him and smiled.


Nate and I went driving around after we ate. We went to the local shopping center and walked around. "Lets go to PetSmart." I suggested. "For?" "I wanna look at the kittys and doggys." He laughed and we walked in.

I coo'd at every animal I saw. My eyes landed on this one very beautiful cat that i fell in love with. White coat, very fluffy and pretty marble blue eyes. "Look at her." Nate looked and smiled. "Want it?" "Duh! But I dont have money." "I'll get it for you."

"No, Nate you dont have to!" "Its alright." I kept telling him no but he ended up buying her for me, along with food and other things.

"Oh Nate, youre the sweetest!" I squealed and hugged him while petting Princess.

Nate took me home and helped me bring her things into my room. "Wanna stay here for a bit?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." I smiled. I sat on my bed and he followed. I turned on my firestick and went onto netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" "Have you seen Brickleberry?" "No." "You gotta watch it, its fuckin hilarious." Nate laughed. He put it on and we watched it.

I got close to him and he wrapped his arm around me. He was laughing and I looked up at him, smiling." He glanced at me, then looked at again. "What?" "Mm, nothing." He smiled and we slowly started to lean in.

His lips crashed onto mine and his hand cupped my check. We slowly made out. It was great. Not weird or gross. I pulled away and looked him in his eyes. "I dont know if its to early to say this but, I really like you a lot Jess." "So do I." He kissed me again and i kissed back.


{word count: 881}

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