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I groaned as i heard my alarm go off. I hit snooze and turned to face the other side of my room, but got shinned in the face by sunlight hitting me in the face. I got up and walked over to my bathroom, i yawned and rubbed my stomach while looking at my self in the mirror. I turned the faucet on and grabbed my toothbrush.I walked out and went to my vanity and turned my wand on to curl my hair.

i got up and walked over to my closet,grabbing my outfit.

I put on my pants and put my shoes once i sat back down at my vanity,i picked up my phone playing Kelly Price by Migos ft

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I put on my pants and put my shoes once i sat back down at my vanity,i picked up my phone playing Kelly Price by Migos ft. Travis Scott. I hummed to the song and curled my hair.I then turned it off and did my makeup.

I put on my foundation and contoured and highlighted the fuck outta my face

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I put on my foundation and contoured and highlighted the fuck outta my face.I grabbed a black choker and put it, along w a diamond bracelet my grandpa gave me for my 15th birthday.

I checked my phone and saw it was only 7:04.I texted Nate and walked down stairs.I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and poured my cereal into it.

{Nate🤤: heyyy boo}
{Jess: dónde estás?}
{Nate🤤: uhhh... bien?}
{Jess:😂😂 where are you}
{Nate🤤: my bed, i don't wanna get up,why?}
{Jess: get up, i can't be late to 1st}
{Nate🤤:ugh fine🙄}

I was sitting at the island looking down at my phone, "Damn,your actually up." Kevin said."Yeah i am,why?" "I wanted to see you panicking because your late."He laughed.I did a sarcastic laugh and hit his shoulder once he walked past me.It was 7:15.I sighed, wondering where Nate was.I heard a honk from outside and heard my phone ring.

{Nate🤤: here princess👑}

I smiled and got up,grabbing my purse with my charger and walked out side.I hopped into Nates little black nissan and he backed out my drive way.


Nate was wearing a white hoodie and Adidas joggers with maroon vans.He parked and got out the car really fast to walk around and open the door for me.I smiled,"Thank you." "Anything for you."He winked.He shut the door and grabbed my hand.We walked together to my locker and then to our first period,Nate carries his stuff with him.


It was 7th period and i was looking at my eyebrows. Lexi was sitting next to me talking about how she doesn't think her and her boyfriend are gonna last."I mean i like him,i really do.But we've been arguing so much it's getting out of hand."I rolled my eyes and looked at her,"Lex,does he make you happy?" "I mean at the beginning-" i cut her off "He doesn't,i can tell.Its time to end it."I shrugged.She looked at me with her mouth open."Oh no,save that for your new boy.I know you have a lot hitting your line." She gasped."Jess!" "What."I shrugged.

The bell rang.We got up and walked out together."So you and Nate."She smirked."...Me and Nate?" "I saw y'all walk in together holding hands." "Oh no,were just friends trust me." My phone rang.

{Nate🤤: wya princess?}

Lexi saw it."Hmm,just friends."I rolled my eyes,"Shut up." I texted him back letting him know i was out front with Lexi.

I felt strong hands wrap around my waist."Hey."He said,"Hey."I replied.Nate let go and wrapped his arm around my shoulders."I'll let you two be." Lexi smiled and walked off.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked."I don't know, you look mighty fine and i want to show you off,so the mall?" "Lets do it."I smiled.

i'm fuckin tired
{word count: 642}

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