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The next day at school was normal.Of course.Today i had practice but i still dressed up.I was at my locker and could feel someone's presence.I turned and saw nate."Hey." I smiled,"Hey boo." "Do you have your stuff?" "Mhm, you look mighty fine." I felt my cheeks burn up.I put my hand on his cheek and sighed "You're so sweet." He smiled and i moved my hand to my side.

He shut my locker and i walked with him to his friends."Wassup." Nate said to all of them. They all met one day at basketball practice.Nate had his arm around my shoulders and i didn't mind.I already knew the boys so he didn't have to introduce me to them."Yo Jessica." Sammy said."Yeah?" "How come you never with Nate when we all chill." I shrugged,"I'm probably with my girls when y'all are together." "You got friends?" Gilinsky said.I rolled my eyes.

We had 2 minutes till the bell rang so Nate and I went to class.As soon as we walked in the bell rang and class immediately started.


Practice ended and i was drenched in sweat.My breathing was heavy as i was putting on the other set of clothes i packed.I slid on my "jesus sandals" and walked out the doors.I was waiting for Nate outside the boys gym.I could hear him and the boys walking out.I put my phone up and smiled.He smiled back and told me 'let's go'.

We were all in my car going out to eat.I pulled into Mcdonald's and we all got out.Whats a better place to go when you're all gross and sweaty?

We ordered our food then went to sit down.I was sitting at the end of the table.They were all talking as i was texting my friends."Jess why you on hush mode?" Nate asked.I locked my phone and shrugged,"I don't know." "How was your day?" John said."It was alright.Practice was really intense." "What'd y'all do." "It was mainly workouts.We did sets them rounds." "How packin' are you?" Nate asked.I laughed then stretched."I don't know, i don't wanna say i'm 'packin' because i'd look weird if i had abs and big thighs, ya know?" "Ha, oh yeah." Sammy said looking at his drink.

We all laughed but stopped when they announced that our food was ready.Johnson got up to get it and i took my chances to sit next to Nate and John.Johnson came back and just squeezed next to Sam and Jack.

We all ate and mainly talked about basketball.I really think it was there goal to be in the pros when they grew up.But isn't that and football every boys dream? "Jess you gonna continue ball?" I shook my head and hurried to swallow my burger."I'm either gonna be a doctor or a designer." "Ooh whatcha gonna make?" I shrugged "anything." They all nodded they're heads.

We finished eating and i drove back to the school so they could get there cars."Later jess." Nate said and walked away to his little Nissan.

shortish chapter but whatever
{word count: 518}

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