Chapter 6

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"Alright, alright! Next question..." Chanhee said as he looked at his phone for the next question. After their introduction back at the party, they took one of Changmin's friend's car and drove miles away. They were now at a dead gas station, snacks scattered around them as they sat on top of the hood and asked each other questions to get to know each other. "Have you ever been drunk before?" Chanhee read as he looked up towards Changmin. Changmin thought for a moment, has he?

"I don't think so, I've smoked before. I still do." Changmin said as he pulls out his pack of cigarettes and showed it to Chanhee. "Why is that?" Chanhee blurted out with a tilt of his head. "Wait, no. What I meant was, there has to be a reason why you smoke. I mean, you don't just start smoking for no reason unless you're that fucking insane." Chanhee rush-fully said trying to clear up any misunderstandings.

Changmin started to laugh at the other's straightforwardness. "Well Chanhee, there's this person I really miss. They left a little too early for my liking." Changmin said, a hint of sadness hidden in his voice.

Chanhee frown at the other's statement. He can see that Changmin was hurting, he can see that Changmin wasn't truly himself anymore because of this heart break. He felt bad for Changmin, Changmin was probably the most bubbly-est person ever before whatever tragic situation happened.

All Chanhee wanted to do was pull the other close as he gave him the most needed hug and tell him that everything will be okay. But alas, he didn't because in the end, Chanhee just met Changmin. Chanhee isn't the right person to do such things, so for now, he'll leave it alone until it's the right time. "What about you? Have you ever been drunk?" Changmin asked as he tried to change the topic.

"I have once actually. My friend Minghao is a wine addict. He wanted to drink his feelings away after he broke up with his boyfriend because his boyfriend cheated on him and I just so happen to join him. He's doing fine now, he found someone better." Chanhee explained casually like it was the easiest topic to talk about.

Changmin nodded along as he thought back to all the boys and girls Juyeon has cheated on. He felt bad for them really, they looked so in love and happy with Juyeon and Juyeon somehow always found a way to ruined it. "Next question; have you ever been in love?" Chanhee asked as he stared at Changmin. Now this is a question that Changmin couldn't answer.

He has never been in love. He doesn't even know what falling in love felt like so how would he be able to tell. And once again, his train of thoughts drove to the station of how it will be if he was able to find someone so real. To find someone who'll be there for you in your darkest moments. Oh how much Changmin wishes to find and have someone like that by his side. "No, actually. Everyone here are all fake." Changmin answered with a slight grim to his voice.

Chanhee couldn't help, but to agree with him, he as well hasn't fallen in love with anyone. Everyone at school only likes him because he has a pretty face. No one truly wanted to be with Chanhee, hell they don't even know the real Chanhee. They don't know the Chanhee underneath all the fake smiles and laughter through the teeth.

"I can agree with that statement, every since I stepped foot into High School, people only like me because of my pretty face. They only like the school Chanhee, not the Chanhee underneath. It's quite annoying really." Chanhee said as he laid down and stared up at the sky.

"Ohh, so you're the angel of the school everyone keeps talking about? I'm sure everyone is dying to be in my place right now." Changmin said in a joking manner as he laid down next to Chanhee and looked up towards the sky. "Haha, very funny." Chanhee sarcastically replied as he slightly pushed Changmin who started laughing. They sigh a content sigh as they looked up at the sky and watched the stars twinkle in the moonlight.

"Hey look at that, you got to stargaze after all." Chanhee suddenly said with a smile as he looked over towards Changmin. Changmin chuckled at the realization that he was indeed stargazing. "I feel like dancing." Changmin said as he sat up and grabbed his phone, searching for the perfect song to dance to.

"This one!" He exclaimed as he tapped on the song. "Do you know this song?" Changmin asked as he got off the hood of the car. Chanhee gasped at the realization that he did indeed know this song. "Of course I know this song! Youth by Troye Sivan!" Chanhee said as got off the car and started dancing with Changmin in the mist of the night.

"What if, what if we run away?
What if, what if we left today?
What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?"

Oh how much Chanhee loved this feeling. This feeling of finally being free from all the stares and fake people as he danced with a stranger in the middle of the night at a run down gas station. This was all Chanhee needed, something real, something worthwhile. Someone who doesn't want to be around him because of his looks, but instead wanting to get to know him.

"What if, what if we're hard to find?
What if, what if we lost our minds?
What if we left them fall behind and they're never found?"

This was all Changmin needed. Someone to be with as they danced under the shining stars even if they just met. It was totally fine with him, as long as they weren't trying to play matchmaker like Juyeon does whenever they hang out or whatever the fuck Sunwoo and Eric do in their free time. Instead, Chanhee wanted to get to know Changmin and even decided to dance with him, something Changmin was most passionate about.

"My youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore"

They both felt free as they smile with their hearts and laugh with their eyes and dance together in the moonlight as two strangers who ran away together from a party their friends dragged them to.

"My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours"

They were just two souls wanted to be free and free they were.


Y'all I think there's something wrong with me, I'm making this book too deep. More deep than my other books!!!

But as pre-usual, i'm a boring sack of potatoes and have nothing else to say

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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