Chapter 13

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"You know you didn't have to wait with me" Chanhee stated as he fixed his book bag strap on his shoulder. The two made it back to school just in time before Chanhee's mother had to pick him up. Now they are sitting outside on a bench waiting for Chanhee's mom to come. "I know, I wanted to." Changmin said with a cheeky grin as he looked over towards Chanhee.

Chanhee just rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone, waiting for a text from his mom. "So....what are your parents like?" Changmin coyly questioned as he played with his fingers. "Well, I only live with my mom. My dad left because he was tired of my mother's 'bullshit'. He took my older brother with him as well. Now they live in this big mansion and doesn't care to call."

"As for my mother, she's learned to fend for herself, she has this mindset of 'I don't need a man to be successful' and that has helped her so far. But I feel like she wants a relationship, she just seems so lonely." Chanhee explained as he twirled his phone around in his hands.

Changmin sat there silently as he processed all the information given to him. From Chanhee's dad leaving him with his brother to his mother seemingly lonely, that's a lot to take in. Especially since his dad never calls and he's mom seems to never be home(Changmin assumes because of her mentioned mindset.) And on top of that, Chanhee has never fell in love. What if he doesn't know what love feels like? That's a lot to take in.

"I'm sor-"

"There's no need to say sorry. It wasn't your fault nor is it your problem. Plus I'm totally okay with everything. My dad was a dick, always spending money on drugs and alcohol instead of the bills. Nor did he even help my mom in raising us. Hell, I'm sure my older brother is a drug addict now. He also used to abuse my mom for no reason, all just for his entertainment." Chanhee rolled his eyes remembering how much of a dick his dad was.

Changmin just bit the inside of his cheek, not knowing what to say. "You don't have to say anything. Sometimes people just want others to listen. See you tomorrow Min." Chanhee said as he got up and walked over to a white Rolls Royce parked in front of them. Chanhee waved once more before the car pulled off.

Leaving Changmin with a heart racing faster than ever.

"Who was that Hee?" A middle aged woman asked as she had her eyes focused on the road in front of her. "A friend I made at the party Kevin dragged me to last weekend." Chanhee replied with a shrug as he scrolled on his phone.

"Well, how is he like?" The woman asked curiously. "He's a good way. It's like I can talk to him so easily, but at the same time I get awkward. And every time I'm with him, we have the most deepest conversations ever. Conversations i can't have with Kevin and he's my best friend."

"But with Changmin, everything seems to flow and there's this warm feeling I get every time I'm around him. It's either burning my cheeks or making my heart beat faster. I don't know mom, there's something about him." Chanhee exclaimed, not noticing the bright smile spreading across his lips.

"Sounds like my little penguin is in love." Ms. Choi said in a teasing manner as she glanced over at Chanhee. "What!? No! That's impossible. I'm most definitely not in love with Changmin. I just think he's a really good friend." Chanhee denied, saying the last sentence in a low manner.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat. You'll find out sooner or later." Ms. Choi remarked with a playful eye roll as she continued to drive. "I'm sure I'm not....I think" Chanhee said as he looked out the window.

Was he really in love with Changmin?


"Why did you call me here?"

"You have a boyfriend, don't you?" Changmin asked as he spin around to face the younger. "Yea duh. Why are you asking?" Sunwoo had a questioning look on his face as he sat at the edge of Changmin's bed. "So you know what falling in love feels like?" Changmin asked curiously as he sat up in his chair.

"Yea, it feels like you're going to die without the other next to you. What's going on Changmin, you're scaring me?" Sunwoo said with a concerned expression painted on his face. "Just answer my questions. Do you ever feel like your cheeks are burning whenever Haknyeon does something cute and or flirts with you?" Changmin questioned, wanting to finally know what this feeling is.

"Like they're on fire."

"Does your heart race faster whenever you guys have just a bit of skin-ship or whenever he gives you a certain look?"

"Like I just ran a marathon."

"Do you have this feeling of always wanting to make sure he's okay and happy? Or the urge to take care of him and cuddle him whenever he gets hurt?"

"All the time Min."

"Shit....." Changmin cursed as he fell back in his chair, making it spin a little. "What's wrong? Is that all your questions?" Sunwoo questioned as he got up from the bed. "Yea....yea that's all my questions." Changmin answered as he rubbed his hands over his face. " what's wrong?" Sunwoo quipped, concern for his face.

"Heart racing, cheeks burning, wanting to make sure the other is okay and happy, wanting to always take care of them and cuddle them. And finally, the feeling that I'll die without the other near me." Changmin summed up for Sunwoo who still isn't getting what's going on.

"Alright, why are you summing it up for?" Asked Sunwoo, now confused about what his friend is getting at. "Jeez Sunwoo, you're so slow." Changmin remarked with an eye roll. "Hey! I'm trying!" Sunwoo said with a pout and crossed arms.

"It means I'm in love with Chanhee."


The tea 👀

So, Changmin figured out that he might be in love with Chanhee and Chanhee denying that he's in love with Changmin. This is crazy.

We're almost at the peak of the story and I have a feeling that we're going to go over the limit of chapters that I have set, but that's ok.

But that's all

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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