Chapter 15

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"Are you kidding!?"

"Nope." Chanhee shook his head as he played with his food. "Well, what happened after?" Haknyeon asked as he leaned more on the table, the others nodding in agreement as they were also curious.



After the two pulled away, there was an awkward silence around them. Neither one of them knowing what to say. What do you even say in this moment, neither of them have been in this moment. This was their first kiss. Chanhee's eyes went wide at this realization. He just had his first kiss with someone he made at a party, which i remind you was three weeks ago.

What was he thinking? Letting someone he barely knew kiss him! But at the same time, it felt right in that very moment. Like it was supposed to happen. Like their lips were made for each other.

The addicting feeling resurfacing in his body as he placed his fingers on his lips gently. Were his lips really made for Changmin's?

And right in that moment, Changmin was heading for the window and climbing back into Chanhee's room, leaving Chanhee to sit on the roof confused.


"You didn't say anything!?" Chanhee's five friends exclaimed once they heard what their friend did, making some bystanders in the cafeteria look over towards them. "What? He ran away before I could!" Chanhee said more quietly as he side eyed some people staring at them.

"Wait, wait! Why are you just now telling us about this Changmin boy?" Jacob asked as he gave Chanhee that look a mother would give her kid. Chanhee started to nervously chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"About that...." Chanhee started before getting up to run away, but bumped into someone when he turned around. "Wouldn't be the first time that you fell into my arms." Chanhee looked up to see Changmin holding onto his body. "Changmin....hey." Chanhee said as he found his balance and dusted off his clothes.

"Hey, can we talk?" Changmin asked as he looked into Chanhee's eye. Chanhee looked back at his friends before turning around again, "yea, sure. I was just leaving." He said as he took up his tray, he wave bye to his friends before following Changmin out the cafeteria, throwing his trash out on the way to the door.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Chanhee asked as he held his hands behind his back, swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet. "About last night....." Changmin replied as he trailed off, looking to the side as he rubbed his neck. "Oh...." Chanhee softly let out as he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for running away, I didn't mean to. That kiss? It-"

"Chanhee!" The two looked over to see a grown man stomping over to them with a young adult woman and middle aged woman walking behind him. Chanhee tensed up as he hasn't seen that face in years, "D-dad?" Chanhee questioned softly, "yes, dad. You're coming with me, you're mother kept you away from me for too long." The old man said as he grabbed hold of Chanhee's arm and dragging him away from a stun Changmin.

"It was for his safety, Haru! I failed to save one of my sons, I didn't want to lose my other one!" Ms. Choi yelled as she tried to pulled Chanhee into her arms. "Well, you didn't try hard enough, Choonhee!" Haru exclaimed as he yanked Chanhee along with him.

"M-mom, what's going on?" Chanhee choked out as he tried to escape his dad's grip. "I'm sorry my little penguin. I tried, but I failed." Choonhee sobbed out as she fell to the floor. "Still weak as ever. What your mother is trying to say is that I'm supposed to see you ever other weekend, but she hasn't been doing that so I filed for custody over you." Haru explained with an evil grin.

"what!? You didn't even bother to call!" Chanhee exclaimed with confusion and anger in his tone. "I don't have to call you in order for you to show up at my house. Now come on before your little friends find you." Haru said as he pulled Chanhee out the school doors.

Leaving a sobbing mother and a confused Changmin.

"Calm down Ms. Choi, I'll try my hardest to get your son back. I promise." The young lady comforted as she helped Choonhee off the floor, "you young man don't say a word about this. It can ruin Ms. Choi's reputation and we can't risk that." The lady said before she escorted Ms. Choi out the school.

Changmin blinked a few times, still trying to process what just happened. "Hey, where's Chanhee?" Chanhee's friends asked as they ran up to Changmin.

Changmin didn't know what to say. Should he tell them that Chanhee's dad just dragged him out the school or lie straight to their faces? "Well," Changmin stuttered out as he scratched the back of his neck, "his mom took him home early. She got off early and wanted to spend time with him." Changmin lied straight through his teeth as he gave them a tight lipped smile.

"Hm~ that's strange. Chanhee said his mom will never ever do that." Kevin said with a thinking face, "well some people change." Changmin said as the bell rung.

"See you guys around." He waved before speed walking away. 'I can't believe I just did that!' He thought as he brushed his hand through his hair. Well what was he supposed to do, that young lady did kinda threaten him in a way, "damnit, I didn't even get to finish what I had to say!" Changmin groaned as he pulled on his hair, "how am I supposed to tell him now?" He asked himself as he turned the corner.

"What does Chanhee even see in him?" Kevin asked as the group watched Changmin walk away, "he looks crazy talking to himself." Jacob said as he leaned onto Kevin. "Sunwoo said that he's actually a chill guy. Sweet and some other good shit about him. I wasn't really paying attention." Haknyeon said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Of course you weren't. You were talking to your boyfriend." Hyunjae snorted as he was pushed by the younger. "I like how none of y'all are acknowledging the fact that he just lied to us." Younghoon stated as he turned to the others.

"Oh we notice, it just isn't that important right now." Younghoon gave them a look before going to class.

☠︎❣︎☠︎ yeah, that happened. 😅

What do you think will happen now?

We're almost close to the end of the book!!!!

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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