Chapter 20

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Changmin sighed as he placed his phone faced downwards and looked at himself in the mirror. "Nothing at all?" Sunwoo asked as he looked at his friend with curiosity. Changmin shook his head No as he straightened out his blazer. "It's been a month and three weeks." Changmin stated as he sighed again and sat down on his bed.

"I'm sorry to say this, but i don't think Chanhee is going to make it to the Spring Dance." Hyunjun broke the news as he patted his friend on the back. "It was worth the try." Changmin said as he looked at the bracelet Chanhee left in his room. It was a white and red beaded bracelet that had a charm that said 'made with love' attached to it.

Changmin remembered Chanhee saying that it was his favorite bracelet since it was from his mother. Changmin smiled lightly as he brushed his fingers over the beads. "If you're done being cheesy, Sangyeon is waiting for us outside." Eric said as he stood in the doorway and pointed behind him.

Changmin rolled his eyes and stuffed the bracelet into his pocket as he stood up and took one last look of himself in the mirror. "It's party time!" Sunwoo exclaimed as he ran down the hall and downstairs. "Bye Jeon, I'll see you later." Changmin said as he gave his little brother a hug and a kiss on the head.

"There's also some premade food in the fridge for you, just heat it up." Changmin added as he blew a kiss towards his little brother who gave him a smile and nodded. "Woah hyung, how did you get this?" Hyunjun stated as he eyes the limousine that they'll be taking to the dance.

"I saved up some money for occasions like this. Now get in don't want to be late." Sangyeon ordered as he hopped into the driver's seat and started the car. "How would everyone react to us pulling up to school like this?" Juyeon asked as he looked over the many candies that were set up in the back for them.

"I don't know and I don't care." Sunwoo answered as him and Eric started stuffing their mouths with the candies. "Don't eat too much or you'll get a stomach ache." Sangyeon warned and the two younger ones nodded their heads and continued to stuff their faces.


"This is so weird." Changmin said as they pulled up to the school. "Tell me about it, everyone is just staring" Juyeon replied as he sat back in his seat. "Alright boys, have fun and no drinking." Sangyeon ordered as he turned to face the high school boys.

"I don't think a high school dance would serve alcohol." Juyeon stated as he stared at the older. "You never know, some high school students are sneaky." Sangyeon said and the boys just shook their heads and climbed out of the limousine and said their farewells to Sangyeon.

"Woah, how did you get that kind of ride?" Haknyeon asked as he came up to Changmin and the others with the rest of Chanhee's friends behind him. "Our college friend got it for us." Eric answered before running off somewhere with Hyunjun right behind him.

"Have you heard anything from Chunghee?" Kevin asked as he looked towards Changmin who just shook his head 'no'. Chanhee's friends sighed and looked down towards their feet. "Hey, let's not dwell on it, yeah. We're here to have a good time, so let's have a good time." Juyeon said as he tried to lighten the mood and guided the group inside where everyone else was.

As they entered Juyeon excused himself and walked away from the group as he pulled out his phone.

As they entered Juyeon excused himself and walked away from the group as he pulled out his phone

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