Chapter 16

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"It's been a week since Chanhee was dragged out of the school, end of the year exams are coming up, and then we have the spring ball. I was going to ask Chanhee to the spring ball, but that plan got ruined. I don't know if I'll be able to think straight during any of my exams because I'm so worried about how Chanhee is doing. It's like he has taken over my brain and I don't know what to do......what should I do?" Changmin said as he stared at the beautifully decorated headstone in front of him.

The name 'Ji Haneul' engraved into the headstone, along with the date of birth and the date of death on it. After Haneul's burying, Changmin wouldn't stop visiting his sister's grave every time he was feeling overwhelmed or just needed a breather. He would talk to the grave as if she was still there with him, sitting next to him and telling him that everything will be okay and he'll get through it. That this hard time will pass by like a breeze in the summer warm air.

Oh how Changmin misses his sister so much. He misses her warmth, her smile, her laugh, her positive attitude towards anyone and everything that passes her by. She seemed so livid that he failed to notice her true feelings and thoughts. She seemed to be so full of life, carefree that even Changmin, himself, was fooled by her acted.

Changmin sighed as he placed the pretty pink flower gently next to the headstone. "I know pink isn't your favorite color, but I couldn't help myself in getting a flower that matches the color of his hair." Changmin said after placing the flower and sitting back on the bench. "If only you were here, you could have given me some good advice." Changmin wiped at the tear that fell from his eye as he sniffled a little bit.

"I'm sure you'll say something along the lines of, 'fight for your man Min. If you really love him, fight for him'" Changmin mimicked his sister's voice before letting out a sad laugh and then a gasp escaped his mouth. "That's it! Thank you Hannie! I have to go, I'll see you next time. Love you little sis." Changmin exclaimed as he blew a kiss to the grave and ran to his car.

"If I really do love Chanhee, then I should fight for him. Figure out a way to get him back here, where he belongs." Changmin said to himself as he drove off.


"How did you even find his house?"

"I just asked him if I could come over. I'm not some top secret agent or something." Changmin answered with an 'are you stupid' expression on his face as he knocked on the door. The door opened, showcasing the sage green haired best friend of Chanhee.

"Hey Kevin, are the others here too?" Changmin asked with a smile on his lips. "Yea, come on in." Kevin said as he moved to the side of the door. The group of friends entered the house and made their way to the living room.

"Hak!" Sunwoo exclaimed as he saw his boyfriend and ran up to him. Younghoon, Hyunjae, Eric, and Juyeon just rolled their eyes at the young couple. "Ew, stop being gross." Hyunjun groaned as he sat down on the couch next to Eric. Changmin sighed, looking away from his friends.

"Anyways, I have a confession to make." Changmin announced as he clasped his hands together and looked at Chanhee's group of friends. "I lied to you guys last week. Chanhee's mom didn't pick him up early." Changmin stated as he awaited the yelling he expected to receive once he confessed.

But nothing came, it was just silent.

"We know that you lied to us Changmin. We're not that dumb." Younghoon laughed a little at the other's reaction to them knowing that he lied. "Oh, um.....okay. Well, as you noticed that Chanhee hasn't been here for a week. That's because his dad came and dragged him out the school. Something about Chanhee's mom not letting him see Chanhee and so he filed for custody over him. I don't know" Changmin tried to sum up from what he remembered.

"What!?" Chanhee's group exclaimed, all standing up from their seats. "But I thought his dad wasn't around?" Hyunjae said with a questioning tone in his voice. "And didn't his dad never bothered to call? So why is he showing up now?" Haknyeon questioned no one in particular as he scanned the room for some explanation.

Chanhee's friends were confused and shocked to say the least, I mean their friend's dad—who never bothered to show his face—just appeared one day and took him away.

Wouldn't you be shocked and confused as well?

It was silent around the group of teenagers as they were in deep thought, some deeper than others. "So, what exactly are we going to do with this information?" Jacob was the first to speak up as he was confused on what is actually happening.

"Well that's a good question. You guys are going to help me bring Chanhee back here in time for the Spring Ball and of course bring him back home where he belongs." Changmin declared with determination in his eyes. "And how exactly are we going to do that?" Younghoon asked as he crossed his legs and clasped his hands together.

"I don't know yet. That's why I need your help. You guys know Chanhee better than I do." Changmin softly spoke as he finally took a seat in the awaiting chair behind him as he slid further down in his chair. There was another silence as they fell into deep thought again.

What can they do to bring their friend back home? For all they know, Chanhee could be suffering over there and they're just sitting around waiting for a miracle to happen of some sort.

"We can get Chanhee's brother to help from the inside"


Wow, this chapter is really something. It's giving me 'Royalty: Saving Chanhee' vibes.(iykyk)

Why do I always make Chanhee the one to get kidnapped? I have a problem!!😭😭

But anywho, I don't have anything else to say. So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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