Chapter 19

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"Cost is clear, come on before he wakes up." Chunghee as he motion for Chanhee to follow him. "Are you sure this is a great idea? I mean he found me once and surely can find me again." Chanhee whispered as he followed his brother down the hall.

"Would you stop your worrying, I have this all planned out." Chunghee whispered back as they continued to tiptoe down the hallway and to the living room. Chunghee carefully grabbed his car keys and they made their way to the front day. "Chunghee?" A voice called out as Chanhee squealed and hid behind his brother.

Chunghee turned to see one of the maids looking at him. "Hello Mrs. Kang, what are you still doing here?" Chunghee politely bowed as he greeted the older lady. "I still had a few more things left to do before I headed out, where are you going?" Mrs. Kang asked as he pointed to the keys in the young male's hands. "Oh..." Chunghee breathed out as he looked down at the keys.

"I'm just going for a drive and will most likely stay at a friends house. I won't be back until Tuesday." Chunghee answered as he played with the keys in his hands. "Oh okay, stay safe and don't do anything I won't do." Mrs. Kang said as she started to walk away. Chunghee bowed and waited until the older lady was gone to turn to his brother.

"Chanhee?" Chunghee questioned once he didn't see Chanhee behind him. "Is the Jeep your car?" Chanhee asked as he looked at the black Jeep parked in the driveway. "Hop in." Chunghee said as he unlocked the Jeep and walked over to the driver's side. "Can we get some food on the way there?" Chanhee asked as he buckled his seatbelt.

"Of course, I can't have my baby brother starving." Chunghee said with a chuckle as he started the car. "Never call me that again." Chanhee scold as he connected his phone to the Bluetooth and started to play some music fit for night drives. "Jeonju here we come!" Chunghee stated as he pulled out the driveway and on the road. As they were on their way back to their hometown, a song called West Coast Love.

"West Coast love
Never left my mind
West Coast love
Never left my mind"

"Quick stop so we can get some snacks and gas." Chunghee said as he parked at a gas pump and took off his seatbelt. Chanhee nodded and took off his seatbelt and got out the car. The siblings entered the store and Chanhee grabbed a basket and headed for the snacks while Chunghee went to go pay for gas.

They paid for the snacks and exited the store. "How's mom?" Chunghee asked as he waited for the gas to finish pumping. "She's good. She's hardly at home though, she developed this mindset of 'I don't need a man to be successful'. I'm quite happy for her." Chanhee said as he opened a bag of starbursts.

"That's good, I'm happy that she finally did what she always wanted to do." Chunghee smiled before disappearing to the pump and taking it out of the car and putting it back up. "Me too, just wished that she was home a little more." Chanhee said with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"I'm sure once her business is more situated she'll be around more." Chunghee smiled as he got in the car and pet his brother's head. "But for now, let's hit the road, we have a Spring Dance to get to." Chunghee exclaimed as he buckled up his seatbelt and stepped on the gas.


Chanhee gasped as he realized something. Chunghee gave his brother a glance before asking, "what's up?" Chanhee looked at him with his mouth cover. "I don't have anything to wear for the dance." Chanhee replied as he slowly started to freak out. "Oh don't worry about that." Chunghee replied as he ruffled Chanhee's hair.

Chanhee was confused, but didn't want to question it any further and decided to turn the volume up a little more.

"Babe, I can't lie, you been on my mind again
Go 'round one more time, yeah, we can do things you like
You don't need a reason for it
Tell me what you need, make it easy for ya
All of this talk ain't enough
Are you down to see me or what?
When you come through, you know I got you
Babe, I got you"

"God I miss them!" Chanhee exclaimed as he threw his head back against the seat and looked out the window. "Who? You're friends or Changmin?" Chunghee asked with a teasing tone as he mentioned his little brother's crush. Chanhee blushed a little at the mention of the black haired male, "both, I can't wait to see them again." Chanhee answered as he picked up the bottle of lemonade and took a sip out of it.

"I'm sure they miss you too." Chunghee smiled softly as he took some of Chanhee's candy. "Say, what are you going to do after we get to Jeonju?" Chanhee suddenly asked as he gave his brother a curious look. "Help you get ready for the Spring Dance obviously." Chunghee stated with a playful eye roll.

"No shit, I'm about will you be staying with us or do you have to go back?" Chanhee elaborated on his questioned as he lightly hit his brother's arm. Chunghee laughed a little with the shake of his head. "Sadly I'll have to go back." Chunghee answered with a sad smile. "What? Why? Can't you just stay with me and mom?" Chanhee asked a little upset with his brother's answer.

"I wish I can Hee, but life is unfair and you'll have to pick and choose your battles." Chunghee replied with a frown as he saw the pout on his brother's lips. "Can't mom just ask for custody over you? I mean.....she does miss having you around." Chanhee said as he looked down at his hands that were in his lap.

"Who knows? But I'm almost eighteen so it's not much longer til I'm free from that rat." Chunghee answered and focused on the road again. Chanhee sighed and made himself comfortable in his seat. "Life is unfair." He mumbled to himself before looking outside and at the stars.

'Just a few more hours Hee, just a few more.'


Chapter 19 has been completed!!! I'm so not ready to end this book!!! This book holds a special place in my heart!!! Ahhhh!!! Mind me while I sob!!!😭😭

But are you guys ready for the final chapter?!👀 because it's going to be so feet kicking good!!!! (I hope) tbh this whole book is so feet kicking good in my opinion, but that's just me.

Anyways, imma stop talking now,

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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