Chapter 14

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"Do you smoke often?"

"Kinda....I only smoke whenever I feel down." Changmin answered as he put the stick in between his lips. It was the weekend and the two have decided to sit up on Chanhee's roof and stargaze. They would have done it at Changmin's house, but after what happened, Chanhee didn't feel comfortable going over there.

And Changmin was cool with it, it helps him escape his parents. "How often is that?" Chanhee asked as he fixed his sitting position into a crisscross position.

"Lately, very often. But that's because Jeong remains me of someone..." Changmin answered with a hint of sadness as he laid down and looked at the stars. There it was again, the sadness that Chanhee always notices whenever Changmin talks about his family. Chanhee really wants to know what it is that is causing Changmin to have that hint of sadness. And after much thought into it, Chanhee believes it's time that he asked about it.

He just doesn't want to see Changmin sad anymore and maybe getting him to speak up about it will help the other. I mean, it helped Chanhee when he told Changmin about his family. He wanted to return the favor. "Remember when I said that you didn't have to say anything and that sometimes people just wants others to listen?" Chanhee questioned as he looked over at the other.

"Yea..." Changmin answered slowly as he propped himself up on his elbows. "Well it's my turn to listen. Why do you always have a hint of sadness in your tone whenever you talk about your family?" Chanhee finally asked as he awaited his answer.

Changmin sighed, already knowing that Chanhee would ask this question. "Remember when I said that there's this person I really miss and how they left a little too early for my liking?" Changmin answered with a question of his own, receiving a nod from the pink haired boy. "Well that person was my little sister. We were only a few months apart, so we were close. But I guess we weren't that close as I thought." Changmin started as he sat up and stared at the night sky.

"She was hurting and I never noticed until one day. I got a call from the cops saying that she jumped out the window and was gone. At the time, I was out with my friends, having the time of my life. When I got to the house, all I saw with the flashing lights, yellow tape around the scene, and my sister's bloody body on the driveway." Changmin continued as he tried to hold back his tears.

"My parents weren't insight and I kinda expected that, but it still angers me because all she ever wanted was a loving family. Our parents were never around and it only got worse when my sister was not around. Five years after she died, Jeong was born and at first sight he looked so much like her, it was heartbreaking. Every time I look at Jeong I see her and it hurts me to know that our parents turn their backs on another kid of theirs and won't even try to not make the same mistakes." Changmin stopped to take a breather and wiped away the tears that had slipped.

"They blame me because I wasn't there to save her, even though they weren't there as well. At least I showed up, they weren't even at the hospital. They were still working and wasn't picking up the calls. They only found out the next day when I told them where she was. They turned cold and shut me out and shut Jeong out when he turned three. Thus, why I promise myself to always be there for Jeong whenever because I know my parents won't be and Jeong doesn't need that." Changmin finished as he wiped at his eyes.

Chanhee scooted closer and placed his hand on the other's back and rubbed comforting circles in Changmin's back. Chanhee didn't have to say anything, knowing that his comforting hand was more than enough for the other.

And plus what can you say? It won't be okay, no one really gets past by a loved one's death. You just have to learn to accept it and being okay with the thought of them being gone even if that's hard, fake it.

"Maybe you were right. Sometimes people really do just need others to listen. I feel just a bit better." Changmin said with a smile as he turned to the other. "Well, what can I say? It's one of my many charms." Chanhee said with a smug smile, making Changmin laugh. "Oh now you are using my words against me?" Changmin questioned with a 'are you serious?' Look.

"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" Chanhee quipped as his smug smile grew more wider. "This..." Changmin said and started tickling the pink haired boy, making him squeal.

"Okay! Okay! Stop! Minnie!" Chanhee exclaimed as he tried to escape Changmin's arms with giggles. "What if I don't? What are you going to do?" Changmin challenged with a smug grin as he looked at Chanhee. A cheeky smile grew on Chanhee's lips and before you know it, he was tickling Changmin's sides.

"H-hey! That's unfair!" Changmin squealed out as he escaped Chanhee's tickling hands. They chased after each other, careful enough to not fall off the roof before deciding to lay down on the blanket they had laid out. With relief sighs, they stared at the stars glowing brightly in the night sky.

"Why do you like stargazing so much?" Chanhee suddenly asked as he looked at the other's side profile, admiring his features. "Well do you see that star?" Changmin asked as he glanced over towards the other, Chanhee turned his head to the star that Changmin was pointing at.

"Call me crazy, but I believe that star is my sister. Or it could be the fact that she was always a star in my eyes and that one shines bright amongst the others. Just like my sister." Changmin explained with a sighed as he looked at Chanhee's side profile. "You must really love your sister." Chanhee said with a soft smile, a bit of sadness hidden behind it as he never got to build a relationship with his brother.

"With all my heart, I do." Changmin whispered as he stared into Chanhee's eyes. In that moment, Changmin saw the whole galaxy in the other's eyes. It was mesmerizing and Changmin couldn't look away. Instead it pulled him closer and closer until their foreheads touched. Changmin's heart started to speed up and he was afraid that Chanhee would hear it, but he couldn't help himself.

After finding out that he might be in love with the other, the addicting feeling only grew more and more. So with every bit of courage he had left, he risked it and placed his lips on the other's.

Hoping for a positive outcome.



What do you think will happen?

Will Chanhee freak out and lash out on Changmin?

Or will he run and hide away from Changmin?

So many things can happen.

But I won't tell you

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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