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You were the first one in the training room that morning as you couldn't be bothered to wait for those lazy fucks so you began training on your own. Alejandro yawned as he grabbed a cup of coffee before heading to the training room. He saw Soap on the way as he nodded to the Scottish man. They opened the doors and they were shocked to see the only recruit in there was Y/n. They both looked at each other before they quietly sat down and watched you.

Eventually, Alejandro, Soap, Price, Gaz and Ghost were watching you. And they were impressed. It was 12:35 when the other four decided to stroll in. Ghost glared at them as he stood up and crossed his arms over his thick chest. "And what time do you call this?" Price asked. The recruits all looked at each other and bowed their heads. "You four 10 mile run. Now." Ghost snarled as they all ran in fear. Ghost was very scary.


Jack, Michael, Tyler and Sam walked into the kitchen to see you making some coffee. You gasped as you felt someone push you into the counter. "Hey what the fuck dude." Michael smirked as he spat in your face. "You think you're so great huh. So how come we don't know that much about you?" You were pushed on the floor as the four began to punch and kick you.

Your face was bleeding and bruised and your lip has been split. You spat out blood as you were pretty sure that a few ribs were broken. They laughed as they left the kitchen. "Fuck." You growled as tears rolled down your cheeks. You began to punch the tiled floor until your knuckles were bloody bruised and broken. You were in so much pain as you sat outside.

Tears rolled down your cheeks. You took a long drag of the smoke before you quickly wiped your tears. You looked at your arm and saw the scars. You then looked at the cigarette and chuckled. You promised yourself that you wasn't gonna do it anymore but why the fuck not. All you felt was numbness as you put the cigarette to your arm.

You winced a little bit at the burning sensation before you put the smoke out and then grabbed your blade and began to slit your wrists. You then went to your bedroom and then bandaged your arms up before you headed into the wreck room. (The relaxing room basically)

You saw pretty much the whole team. Gaz, Soap and Alejandro were playing pool, Ghost was sitting on an armchair while reading a book, Price was watching the game as Rudy drank and cheered on Alejandro. They were all really close. You glanced at Michael, Jack, Tyler and Sam as they smirked. Michael stood up and walked over to grab a beer.

You balled your hands into fists. You were not going to let them get away with this. "Y/N what happened to your face?" Ghost asked as he looked at you with worry. The 141 all stopped what they were doing as they saw you angrily march over to Michael and punched him square in the face. He groaned as he fell on the floor but you didn't stop.

Ghost had to literally pick you up and take you out of the room.


You sat on your bed as Ghost sighed. "You ok?" He asked. "Just great." You huffed as you laid down. You felt exhausted. "Try and get some sleep." He said as he stood up and left the room.

"Is it just me or is there something about Y/N that I like?" Rudy asked as he smirked. "Right. He is so small and cute." Soap added as Price and Alejandro nodded their heads. Ghost sat down as he joined in on the conversation. They all felt something towards you. And they loved it.

Although, something was just not adding up. How come you're not like any of the other Alpha's. They knew that something was different about you and they all planned to find out what it was...

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