Chapter Twenty Four

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Y/n groaned as his eyes fluttered open. It was raining hard outside as the storm got worse. The omega sat up and rubbed his eyes. It was cloudy and dark even though it was 8am.

Y/n ran a hand through his messy hair. He could hear Chase crying. "Feeding time." The omega mumbled as he quietly got out of bed. Y/n gasped as a rough hand grabbed him and yanked him back into bed.

Ghost wrapped his strong arms around the omega. "Stay." The alpha grumbled, burying his face in the crook of the omegas neck.

Y/n giggled as he played with Ghosts hand. "It's Chases feeding time. I'll be back, I promise." Y/n said.

Ghost huffed. "Fine, but go get him and bring him in here." Ghost said sternly.

Y/n blinked. He didn't want to argue, or make Ghost mad. He nodded as Ghost unwrapped his arms from around the omega and let him go.

Y/n yawned as he walked out of Ghosts bedroom and into the baby's room. "Oh I know, your hungry." The omega smiled as he picked up Chase and gently rocked the baby in his arms.

Y/n headed back into Ghosts bedroom and sat on the bed. Y/n felt Chase latch on instantly, making Y/n sigh with relief. Ghost smiled as he kissed the top of the knegas head.

"That's it baby. You both are doing so well. I'm so proud of you." Ghost said as Chase cooed and giggled.

"My sweet little boy." Ghost smiled as he kissed the top of Chases head.

Time skip

Chase was fast asleep in his bouncer. Ghost was out on a recon mission with Konig, Roach and Keegan.

Y/n was in the break room reading a book. Y/n rocked the bouncer to keep Chase asleep. Chase moved and gripped his teddy bear, suckling the ear.

Y/n smiled softly as he covered the little baby with the blanket that had rolled off.

Y/n went back to his book as Gaz walked into the break room and sat on the couch as he cuddled up to Y/n. "Mmm, hey." Gaz said softly as he pulled the omega close.

Y/n smiled. "Hey Gaz." The omega closed his book before laying his head in Gaz's lap.

Gaz smiled as he ran his hand through Y/ns fluffy H/c hair. Gaz yawned as Price and Alejandro walked into the break room. Price picked up Chase who had woken up.

Chase let out a big yawn as his eyes fluttered open. Y/n closed his eyes. Price sat down on the couch as Alejandro sat in the armchair.

"That's it my love. You rest." Alejandro said softly. The three alpha's looked at the omega. Y/n looked exhausted.

The minute Y/ns eyes closed, he was out like a light.

Time skip

Ghost grunted as he patched Roach up. Keegan was driving as Konig was in the passenger seat.  "Roach hold still." Ghost said, annoyed. Roach stopped moving. "Sorry." He mumbled.

Ghost eventually finished patching Roach up. "That mission was a total bust." Keegan mumbled. Ghost rolled his eyes.

Lightning filled the sky as thunder boomed and the rain poured.

"That storms getting worse." Konig said as he looked out the window. "Let's just get back to base. I want to see my baby and omega." Ghost said.

Keegan, Roach, and Konig all looked at Ghost and glared. Ghost chuckled. "Our baby and omega." The guys all smiled when Ghost said that.

Konig turned the radio uo as Keegan sped down the road.

The trees swayed Violently as the black car sped down the dirt road. Ghost yawned as he played with Roaches hair, who had his head in the Lieutenants lap.

The base came into view as the doors opened as Keegan drove into base.

Yay a new chapter ☺️ ✨️

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