Chapter twenty two

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Y/n was curled up in the hotel bed. The poor omega was exhausted, and he felt like there was something missing. Y/n rolled onto his back as he stared up at the ceiling. Price and Keegan pulled Y/n close to them.

The omega smiled as he sighed softly as he cuddled up to the two alpha's. The omega felt safe in between the two alpha's strong and big bodies. The others had to get different rooms because the rooms and beds weren't big enough for all of them to share.

Y/n smiled as he laid his head on Keegans chest. Keegan and Price was fast asleep. Y/n euvved his pregnant belly. The omega looked at the clock to see it was 4am. The door opened as Ghost and the others walked in.

The omega gasped as he saw the door open. Y/n scrambled off the bed and ran to the door. Ghost quickly grabbed the runaway omega and picked him up.

"God do you love to run baby boy." Ghost muttered before placing Y/n back on the bed. The omegas eyes were still blue because of the drug.

Y/n pouted. Konig held his hand out which had Y/ns pills. "Come on baby. Be a good boy and take your pills." Soap said. Y/n nodded as he took the pills out of Konigs hand and plop them into his mouth.

Ghost handed Y/n a bottle which the omega happily took. Price and Keegan were awake now. "Agh do we have to go this early?" Soap groaned. Price rubbed his eyes and scratched his beard.

Roach and Rudy yawned as Graves drank his coffee. "The quicker we get to the house, the quicker we can all rest and lice a happy life." Ghost said, caressing Y/ns cheek who was suckling on the bottle.

Alejandro sighed. "Guys. Is what we're doing wrong? Can we really force Y/n love us?" The group all sighed as they looked at Y/n who had fallen asleep curled up against Konig.

All of them felt conflicted. They all loved Y/n and wanted to live a happy life and have pups. They wanted to be Y/ns pack. But could they really force Y/n to love them?

The omega only loved them and was I his little stage because of the drug. When that runs out, or Y/n stops taking them and he starts remembering everything that happened in his life.

The guys all shook their head. "Get ready. We're be leaving in twenty." Ghost said as he left the room. Ghost sighed as he headed outside. He needed some air.

Time skip

Y/n swung his legs back and forth as he drank from his juice box. It was around lunchtime now. "I'm hungry." The omega pouted. Y/n could feel the baby kicking, and it caused the omega some discomfort.

Gaz yawned as he handed Y/n a sandwich. "Here ya go love." Gaz said softly.

Y/n giggled as he happily ate the sandwich that Gaz had given to him. Ghost bounced his leg, his hands were resting on Y/ns hips who was sitting on his lap.

Y/n grabbed for Graves phone. The alpha quickly pocketed his phone so Y/n couldn't get it. "No." Graves said sternly. Y/n pouted. "But I'm bored. I wanna play." The omega whined. Y/n pouted more as Graves shook his head. "You know your not allowed to have electronics, baby." Ghost said.

Y/n pouted more. He wiggled slightly in Ghosts lap. Price reached over and gave Y/n a pacifier. "Just go to sleep." Price said. Y/n took the pacifier out of his mouth. "But I'm not tired. And I'm not a baby." Y/n heard Ghost sigh.

"Just go take a nap. I'm sure you and the baby need it." Soap said, putting the pacifier back in Y/ns mouth.

Y/ns eyebrows furrowed as he felt something on his tongue. The omega felt his eyes grow heavy. Y/n felt himself getting laid down. Y/n whimpered as he felt the baby kicking.

Ghost placed his hand on the omegas belly, rubbing his baby bump. "That's my baby in there." The alpha whispered, smiling softly. His eyes travelled to Y/ns face who had his eyes closed and was fast asleep.

All the alpha's were looking at Y/ns sleeping form with love in their eyes.

Part two coming in a few 🥰❤️

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