Chapter twelve

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Y/n sighed as he looked out the window. Jason was driving as he looked over at the omega. "Hey? You thirsty or hungry? I have a bottle of water and some doritos in the glove compartment.

Y/n smiled as he took the water and doritos. "Thanks. I really appreciate this." the omega said as he started to eat and drink.

Jason smiled as he looked away from the omega as his attention went back to the road. Y/n sighed softly.

Y/n yawned as he finished the food. Y/n laid his head against the window and fell asleep.

Time skip

Y/n felt so good after the nice warm shower. Y/n was wearing his shorts and Jason let him borrow one of his hoodies. The omega could smell the alphas scent and it smelled nice.

The omega sighed as he walked down the stairs. Jason was in the kitchen making something nice and hot for dinner.

Jason stopped as he turned around and his heart started to speed up. His eyes scanned y/ns body. *He looks good In my hoodie.* The alpha thought as he quickly looked away.

Y/n smiled as him and Jason sat down at the table and began to chat and eat.

"thank you for everything you've done to me Jason. I really appreciate." the omega said. Jason smiled. "Thats perfectly alright. Now if you want to, do you mind telling me why your on the run?" Jason asked curiosly.

The omega gave a small sad smile. "It's a long story." y/n said. "I have time." the alpha said.

Y/n began to tell Jason his story.

Time skip a few hours later

Jason was shocked once the omega was finished. "Damn. That's a lot." the alpha said sighing.

Y/n nodded as he played with his hands. "And when you saved me a few hours ago. I was so grateful and I was terrified that they'd find me and drag me back." the omega rambled on.

Jason pulled the omega into a hug. Y/n was shocked before he leaned into the hug. Jason was soft and gentle. Ymn felt loved.

He hasnt felt like this in a long time.

Time skip a few weeks later

Y/n has been living with Jason for a few weeks now. And in that short time, the alpha and omega have gotten very close.

Y/n and Jason were sitting on the couch and they were watching a movie.

Y/n wrapped himself in a blanket and laid down with his head in Jason's lap. The alpha was surprised as he looked down at Y/n and smiled.

Jason leaned back as he carried on watching the movie. Jason's hand started playing with Y/ns hair.

Y/n closed his eyes as he fell asleep.

He hasn't felt this happy in a long time

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