chapter 18

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It was raining hard as Y/n ran through the forest. It was hard being 8 months pregnant now but luckily for Y/n, he didn't have a big big bump. Y/n breathed heavily as he had to stop and lean on a tree. Y/n looked around frantically, searching for any of the guys. Tears streamed down Y/ns cheeks as he limped through the forest. All he could hear was the sound of the rain hitting the ground and the trees whistling in the wind.

Y/n sighed as he sat down. He wanted to keep running but he couldnt. He couldnt fight anymore. He didnt want to fight anymore. Hes lost everything over the years:His friends, his dads, his brother, his little sister, everyone. Death and carnage always seems to follow him. And now, he's lost the man he loves.

Y/n was shaking as he curled up into a ball and rubbed his belly. The omega was cold, wet hungry and scared. He didn't know what to do. His ears twitched as he heard footsteps. Y/n wanted to get up, he wanted to run. But he didn't have the energy. Y/n whimpered. He might have to just give up. At least he will be in the warm and he could get out of his wet clothes and have food. 

Y/n was shaking as he saw someone crouched down in front of him.

Y/ns eyes widened as his ears went down. No no no. It couldn't be. No.

"N-Nate?" Y/n choked out.

Nate gave a small sad smile. "Hey little brother. You look like shit." Nate chuckled. "Come on." Nate said gently as he picked his shaking little brother up. Y/n looked around. He couldn't see the 141 anywhere. He snuggled into his older brothers arms. "Am i dead?" Y/n whispered.

Nate sighed. He looked up at the sky as the rain stopped and the sky started to clear as the moon and stars shone down on the pair. "Your not dead little brother. Your alive." Nate said gently, his eyes never leaving the sky. Y/n looked up at his brother. "Your not really here, are you?" The omega whispered. "This is all part of my imagination." The omega sobbed.

Nate wanted to scream, he wanted to shout and tell his little brother the truth. But he knew he couldn't. It wasn't time yet. Nate put Y/n down under a dry little rock opening. "Just close your eyes ok." Nate said softly, running his hand through his little brothers hair. Y/n felt safe as he closed his eyes.

Nate pulled away and stood up as tears rolled down his cheeks. He then started to walk away. He got a good distance on the top of the hill as he looked down at his little brother. 

"Soon Y/n. Soon." Nate whispered before he disappeared. 

Y/n ended up falling asleep.

Roach growled as he walked around the forest. He was looking for Y/n with Graves. "I swear when i get my hands on that little omega, im going to make him regret ever running away." Graves snapped. Roach sighed. He didn't want to hurt Y/n, he just wanted the omega to love them. To love him.

Roach stopped as he tilted his head. The alpha walked over to the sleeping omega. Graves sighed with relief as he picked Y/n up.

Roach radioed to the others to let them know. 

Ghost, Konig, Keegan and Graves were all sat in the backseat of the van with Y/n. Y/n was fast asleep. He was positioned so his head was resting in Ghosts lap and his legs were laying across Keegans legs.

Ghost stopped as he sniffed the air. His eyes travelled to Y/n. The omega had a different scent to him. 

Ghosts jaw clenched. 

He knows...

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