Chapter Nine

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The storm was really bad as Y/n shook. Y/n was in so much pain as he whimpered. The omega made his way through the forest. He had no idea where he was or where he was going. Y/n didn't know where his team was either.

Y/n found a cave as he started a fire. Y/ns belly rubbled as the omega brought his knees to his chest. He was shaking as he sobbed. This can't be happening.

Y/n sighed as he curled up and closed his eyes. Maybe he could sleep for a little bit until the storm is over.

Y/n tossed and turned but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't sleep. He stopped as he heard a twig snap. Y/n froze as he saw a huge bear. Y/n quickly put the fire out and ran.

Y/n was badly injured as he climed up a tree and sat on a branch. Y/n sighed as the storm started to die down.

Y/n looked up at the now cleared sky. The stars shone brightly as the moon was also shining down in the night sky.

Y/n was cold, wet, starving and he missed home. For once, the omega just wanted to be at base, in the arms of his alphas.

Y/n jumped as his radio startred working. "hello?" y/n said shakily.

"omg y/n thank God your alright." Prices worried voice came from the other line. Y/ns  eyes widened. He wanted someone else. Anyone else.

Y/n coughed. "N-No. Sorry." Y/n quickly turned his comms off.

He then climbed down the tree and started to walk, finding a way out of the forest.

Y/n came to a small town as he started to look around for food.

Maybe he won't have to go back. Maybe he they won't find him.

He needs to get away. He needs to make sure that the 141 does not find him.

Y/n was so hungry and thirsty and he needed medical attention. He whimpered as he walked down the road. His vision was blurry and he couldn't think straight.

Y/n felt a hand on his shoulder. Ymn jumped as he looked and saw a middle aged woman with a kind face.

She looked around in her 60s.

"is everything alright sir?" She asked softly, giving the young man a worried look.

Y/n couldnt think straight as he shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. "No. I don't know where I am. I'm cold, wet, tired, hungry, thirsty." y/n sobbed.

The woman sighed as she wrapped her coat around him. "shh it's OK. Come." she said gently as she brought the poor omega to her home...

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