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Everyone was silent as they stared at you. You didn't know what to do as you stood there awkwardly. "What are you guys on about? Have you lost ya minds?" You laughed nervously as you gulped. They know. What are they gonna do to you now? Kill you. Your eyes widened at the thought.

Rudy grabbed something and put them on the desk. You began to sweat. "Then why do you have these? Oh and this." Soap said as he put your journal on the desk also with an open page. You looked down as you whimpered. You needed to get out of here, but Ghost locked the door.

"Does anyone else know your an Omega Y/N?" Price asked. You couldn't tell them that Sam knew. Who knows what they would do if they found out Sam knew. "No. I never told anyone." You lied as you very slowly started to back up. Price hummed as you were stopped by bumping into Alejandro's chest. You quickly looked up as the Alpha looked down at you and smirked.

"What's going to happen to me? Are you going to kill me?" You asked. They all looked at each other before you were backed up by Alejandro and you were now pinned in between the man and the desk. He leaned his hand up and you flinched when he leaned his hand up. You thought he was going to hit you but instead he caressed your cheek.

"Now why would we do that." He asked as you just shrugged. Ghost shoved Alejandro out of the way as he took the man's place. They all began yelling at each other and you started to feel very uncomfortable. "Nothing is going to happen to you. We can promise that." Price said as you nodded.

Guess you judged them and feared them for no reason. Oh dear reader, you just made the biggest mistake of your life...


You were training when Sam walked in. "Hey." You said as you panted. "Hey. Mind if I join you?" He asked as he looked your body up and down. "Sure." You said as you began to spar. It lasted for about 10 minutes. Your chest was heaving as Sam grinned and pinned your wrists above your head. "I win." He panted. You grinned up at him as you leaned your head up and smashed your lips on his.

He groaned as he rocked his hips into yours. You moaned as he began to attack your neck leaving hickeys. "I need you Alpha." You gasped.


It was dinner time and you were next to Rudy and Soap. They have all been acting weird ever since that day in Price's office. You also noticed that the boys were no longer in the team. Not even Sam. Which was weird.

"Hey price?" The Alpha hummed as he took a swig of his drink and looked at you. "Yeah baby?" You froze as everyone glared at their captain. "Anyway, where are the boys?" You asked. "Oh they got sent home." Gaz said as he looked at you dreamily.

You froze. They got sent home. That means you will never see Sam again. Your heart began to ache. You had really fallen hard for the kind Alpha. And now he is gone.

"Besides, you don't need them anyway." Ghost said as he looked at you. You couldn't see his face or the way his eyes darkened as he licked his lips. They weren't gonna tell you that they had murder them. Especially Sam. Ghost and Gaz along with Alejandro was very brutal with him. They shouldn't have hurt or touched what didn't belong to them.

You were theirs and they were going to protect you and keep you safe. Forever...

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