Chapter 13

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Y/n smiled softly. He sipped his milkshake as him and Jason laughed. Y/n has been with Jason for about 2 months now. The two have gotten so close. Y/n hasn't laughed this hard in years. He liked living a normal life. He didn't miss the 141 or the military at all. He didn't miss the gunfire or the death.

Y/n was taken out of his thoughts by Jason leaning over and taking Y/ns smaller hand in his. "Y/n I need to ask you something." Jason said shyly as a blush coated his cheeks.

Y/n smiled softly as he ran his thumb across Jason's knuckles. Y/n smiled back. "I know we have only known each other for like 2 months but these last 2 months have been amazing. And well I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you want to. Um." Jason quickly stood up and fumbled to get something out of his pocket.

Jason cursed as he dropped the small black box. Y/n couldnt help but giggle slightly at Jasons clumsiness. Jason felt so embarrassed as people in the diner looked at him.

Jason coughed before he got down on one knee. Y/n covered his mouth as happy tears stung his eyes. He couldn't believe this is happening.

Jason opened the black box to reveal a beautiful gold ring. "It's only been two months but we have a connection ya know. And I can understand if you say no and that's completely fine. I just embarrassed myself and." Jasons nervous rambling by Y/n kissing him softly. "Yes Jason. Of course I'll marry you." y/n said, smiling brightly.

The diner was filled with awwws and claps. Jason smiled widely as he slipped the ring on Y/ns finger before running his hand threw his blonde hair.

Y/n was so happy. The manager came and she was so happy for the pair. The lady congratulated Y/n and Jason with a beautiful cake.

The two had an amazing night.

Y/n yawned as he took his off his clothes and changed into shorts and one of Jason's shirts. There was a wolf whistle as arms wrapped around Y/n's waist.

"Hello again beautiful." A deep British voice rang through Y/ns ears.

The omega froze. No. This can't be happening. No no no no.

The omega swirled around and saw Ghost.

The alpha smirked as he gripped Y/ns wrists. "Where's Jason? What have you done with him?" The omega screamed as Ghost practically ripped the engagement ring from his finger.

"Your ours Y/n. Ours forever. And you always will be. Your a soldier. That is your life and you belong to us. Your never going to live a normal and happy life. We will always find you. We will get you back..."

To be continued...

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