Chapter 25

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The pills laid on the side of the sink. Y/n gripped the side of the sink as he glared at the mirror. Y/ns eyes weren't blue anymore, they were back to their usual E/c eyes.

"I can't believe they did that to me. They can't force me to love them. That's not how love works." Y/n mumbled to himself. Y/n sighed.

He picked the tablets up before he flushed them down down the toilet. Y/n sighed again as he walked out.

Y/n yelped when Soap ran up to him and picked him up and span him around. "There you are love. You were in the bathroom for a long time. We were worried." Soap said as he put the omega down.

Y/n couldn't help but smile. Even though he was very pissed that they drugged him, he wasn't drugged anymore, but he felt something. But he wasn't too sure what that something was exactly.

Y/n nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine." Y/n said as him and Soap walked into the bedroom where the others were all cuddled up in bed. Rudy smiled as Soap and Y/n got into bed too. Price wrapped his arms around Y/n as the others followed, touching Y/n in some way.

Chase giggled and cooed as the little baby cuddled himself against Y/ns chest. Y/n smiled as he cuddled his baby close. Ghost had his face buried in Y/ns neck. None of the alpha's knew that Y/n wasn't drugged anymore.

Y/n sighed softly. So many thoughts were going through Y/ns mind. Why isn't he running away? Y/n shook his head as he looked around at the alpha's. Y/n felt safe.

Y/n closed his eyes as he let the alpha's scents wash over him. Chase giggled as he nuzzled at Y/ns chest. "You hungry little one?" Y/n whispered as he took his shirt off and let the baby feed.

Graves yawned as he closed his eyes. Keegan and Roach were already fast asleep, snoring their heads off.

Time skip

Y/n hummed as he sat on the field. The storm had passed and it was a bright sunny day.

Y/n was in his wolf form which was a beautiful grey wolf. Chase was also In his wolf form as the pup played and rolled around in the grass.

Y/n sropped as his ears twitched. The omega sniffed the air. Y/n instantly stood up. Y/n looked at the edge of the woofs. Y/n saw the huge black wolf he saw a few months ago.

Y/n was on alert as Chase whimpered and hid behind his dad.

"Who are you? Why do you keep following me?" Y/n yelled at the mysterious wolf. The wolf didn't say anything. He was huge with glowing red eyes. His fur was as black as the darkest of nights. The wolf stalked towards the omega and pup. Y/n growled as he stood in front of Chase protectively.

"Who are you?" Y/n asked again. The alpha chuckled darkly. The wolf then lunged at the smaller omega

Y/n gasped as he flinched and waited for the impact of the bite. But it didn't come. The amulet that Y/ns dad gave him when he was a kid was glowing. The black wolf stepped back.

The alpha growled lowly. "A protective charm." The alpha growled, clawing at the ground.

The black wolf snarled. "I'll get you one day kid. They can't protect your forever." The alpha yelled. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and an eerie mist filled the air.

Y/n looked up at the sky as it started to rain. Y/n looked at the amulet which was dangling around his neck. Y/n saw the amulet wasn't glowing anymore.

Chase whimpered as he nuzzled at his dad's neck. Y/n looked to see that the wolf had gone.

"Y/n get back inside. I don't want you or Chase to catch a cold." Roach yelled from the house.

Y/n blinked as the black wolfs words echoed I. His head. He didn't know why his amulet was glowing, or what that alpha was talking about or why he didn't attack him when he lunged at him.

And how did that wolf disappear so fast?

Y/n sighed as he picked up the pup before running back to the house.

Roach shut and locked the back door as Y/n shifted back.

The omega looked at Roach. He then handed the baby to the alpha. "Can you put him to bed? I'm gonna have a shower." The omega said quickly before running upstairs.

To be continued...

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