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"I fucking hate you. You're so embarrassing. Why the fuck did i get stuck with an Omega for a son?" Your father snarled as he kicked your side. You whimpered in pain as you curled up into a ball to try and protect yourself from him. You were only 9 years old. He treated you like being an Omega was your fault. He blamed everything on you. Even your mothers death.

You gasped as you shot up. Sweat dripped down your forehead as you were breathing hard. You started shaking as tears rolled down your cheeks. After Michael and the others beat you, you started to get flashbacks and nightmares of your father. You wished that you could forget. But you will never forget what he did to you.

And you were so glad that you killed that fucker.


Rudy yawned as he sat up. He looked at his clock to see that it was 6:35 in the morning. He had a shower before he brushed his teeth before getting dressed. He made his way into the kitchen and his heart skipped a beat as he saw you. You looked fucking stunning.

It was definitely very unnatural for two Alpha's to be in love and mate but Rudy couldn't care. Eventually the whole team was sitting at the table and eating breakfast. You felt a wave of hotness wash over you as your eyes widened. You dropped your phone on the floor as Price picked it up and smiled.


You quickly shot up and ran out the kitchen, leaving your phone with Price. The men all looked at each other with confused looks and worry. Soap paused as he sniffed the air. He could smell, no, an Omega.

You're an Omega...


"No shit fuck." You were panicking. You had run out of meds and you had no supressents whatsoever. This was not good. They are going to find out. And when they do you have no idea what is gonna happen to you. You were scared.

There was a knock making your head snap to the door.

You gulped as you started panicking. What are you supposed to do? "Y/N, are you alright in there?" It was Gaz, Shit! "Yeah. Don't come in, I'm getting changed." You yelled back. You mentally cursed yourself as you hoped that he brought it.

"Oh Ok." Gaz was getting ready to leave when the most wonderful scent hit his nose. It came from your room. Gaz's eyes widened. You were an Omega...


Gaz couldn't believe it. You were an Omega. Scratch that, you weren't just any Omega, you were HIS Omega. He has to protect you, no matter what.

He walked into Price's office. The captain looked up. "Hey Gaz. Is Y/N ok?" He asked the man in front of him. The Brit sat in front of him as Price looked confused. "Did you know?" John looked at him with a confused look. "Know what?"

"That Y/N is an Omega?"

You had just managed to get more meds and suppressants. You were so lucky because they were the last ones. You had just got back to base.


The chopper landed as you all got out. It was just a simple mission. A stealth mission, which you were pretty good at. Grab the files and get out. Easy.

You were partnered with Sam which he didn't like but you couldn't care less. You snuck past all the guards as you held up your hand making Sam stop. "What is that?" The Alpha asked. Your eyes widened. You have seen that before.

"Get down. It's a trap." You quickly got out of the way as the bomb went off.

Michael, Jack and Tyler saw that Sam's legs were pinned down. "Let's get back to the chopper." Tyler yelled as they ran out of the building. Those bastards. You quickly got up and ran to Sam's side. "What are you doing?" Sam grunted as he gritted his teeth. "I can't just leave you here to die." You said as you managed to get the man unpinned.

You both made your way out as you started to get flashbacks of that night. You pushed through the pain as you got into the chopper. Ghost looked at his Omega with a worried look.

Sam had passed out but he was gonna be ok. You looked out the window as you tried not to cry. That symbol. You've seen it before. But where?

This was not good. That was a trap, so who gave Price that information?


The chopper landed as Sam was rushed to the infirmary. You went to go with them but a hand was placed on your shoulder. You looked to see Rudy. "Let him go."

You were watching the Microwave turn as you waited for your mac and cheese to be ready. "Y/N?" You jumped as you looked at Sam. "Hey, you're awake and up." You smiled as Sam nodded.

"Yeah. Hey, listen, thanks for saving me." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That's what friends do. And can I say something you may not want to hear?" You asked as Sam looked at you before nodding his head.

"Tyler, Jack and Michael are not your friends." Sam chuckled. "Oh trust me i know." He said. "Hey can we start over?" He asked as you smiled but you also found yourself blushing?

"I'd like that."

Little did you know that a certain Spanish man was listening and he didn't like the idea of you and Sam getting close... 

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