Chapter 27

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Ghost sighed as he rocked Chase in his arms. Ghost put the bottle to the baby's lips but Chase wasn't eating. "Ghost he's still way too young. He needs milk from Y/n." Gaz said.

Soap nodded. "He's been down there for 2 weeks. I think he's been punished enough." The Scott said. "Yeah, plus I miss having our omega up here." Alejandro said as Price nodded.

Ghost growled. "No. He stays down there until I say so. This is my baby not yours." Ghost yelled. Chase cried out as he felt his dad him too tightly. Ghost froze as he realised what he done.

Ghost calmed down as he rocked the baby gently. "Shhh. I'm sorry little one, daddy's got you. Shhh don't cry." Ghost whispered as he looked at the others. "I'm sorry this is all of our baby and our omega." He said.

"I'm gonna take him to bed." Ghost said as he headed upstairs. Price sighed as he just stayed quiet.

Ghost yawned as he places Chase in his crib. The baby was still crying. "Come on little one, you've been crying non stop and you won't eat, won't sleep. Please." Ghost sighed.

But Chase didn't stop crying. "You need proper milk." The alpha mumbled. Chase sobbed and cried as he nuzzled at Ghosts chest, looking for milk. Ghost sighed as he took Chase downstairs as he sat on the couch. He then looked at the guys. "Can one of you bring Y/n up? Your right Soap, he's been down there long enough." Ghost said.

Graves nodded as he headed down into the basement. Graves crouched down as he unchained the omega. "Am I allowed upstairs?" The omega whimpered.

Graves nodded his head as he picked Y/n up. Y/n gasped as he got out of Graves arms and ran over to Ghost who held the crying baby.

"Ghost let me have my baby." Y/n sniffled. Ghost nodded as he gently handed Chase to Y/n. Chase instantly stopped crying.

Y/n sat down as he began to feed Chase. "I've missed you so much." Y/n whispered as he rocked Chase.

Ghost looked at Y/n. "I'm sorry Y/n. I let my anger get the best of me." Ghost said.

Rudy nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry too baby." Rudy said. Y/n shook his head. "I haven't even been taking those meds for weeks. I remember everything. I had so many chances to just take Chase and run. But I didn't." Y/n paused as he felt Chase stop eating.

Y/n put his shirt on as Chase finally drifted off to sleep. The alpha's sighed. "I was actually starting to fall in love with you guys."

Ghost gasped as he looked at the others who were also shocked.

Y/n stood up. "I'm going to put Chase to bed. Then I'm going to have a shower, then food." The omega said as he disappeared upstairs.

Time skip a few weeks later

Y/n was in the kitchen making lunch. Price was sitting at the table, reading a book. Price looked up from his book as he looked at the omega.

"Y/n? You ok darling?" Price asked. Y/n sighed as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Yeah I'm OK. Just tired I guess." Y/n said as he yawned.

Price nodded before he stood up. The alpha made his way over to the omega and wrapped his arms around Y/ns waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

Y/n was plating with his charm. Price tilted his head. "What's that?" The alpha asked softly. "I've had it ever since I was a pup. My dad gave it to me. I don't know why." The omega said.

Price nodded. Y/n turned around and looked into Price's eyes. Y/n then kissed Price softly...

To be continued

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