Chapter Sixteen

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Jason was fast asleep laying peacefully next to Y/n who was still wide awake. The omega was laying on his back as he starred up at the ceiling. Was he seeing things? There's no way he was at his window.

Y/n closed his eyes as tears rolled down Y/ns cheeks. He was just seeing things. There was no one there. Y/n rolled over so he was laying on his side. He kept on thinking of who he saw at his window.

It wasnt possible. It couldn't be. Theres no way.

Y/n closed his eyes and ended up falling asleep.

~Flashback Dream~

Fire and smoke consumed the lab as Y/n coughed violently. His leg was badly injured and his vision was blurry. He tried to move, he tried to do something.

Y/n heard a voice as someone helped him up. "Nathan." Y/n said, before coughing.

Nate looked at Y/n as he helped him to the exit.

The two limped to the bridge.

Halfway across there was a loud snap as the bridge broke.

Y/n screamed as he quickly grabbed onto the ledge.

He gripped Nates hand. Nate looked up at y/n and smiled. "this is it." Nathan said. Y/ns eyes widened. He gripped the rope tightly that was starting to break.

"Hold on Nate. Just hold on." Y/n could feel himself slipping.

He looked down at Nathan. Nate shook his head. "No. I need you to survive." Nate said.

Y/n quickly shook his head as tears rolled down his cheeks. "No Nate. I won't let you go. I need you. I can't do this on my own. I won't let you go." The omega said.

Nate could feel the rope breaking. It couldn't hold both their weights and there is no way Y/n will be able to lift himself up while holding Nate.

"Yes you can. You can do this. Your stronger then you know Y/n." Nate said.

Y/n shook his head. "No. I've lost him, I can't lose you too." the omega cried.

Nate smiled sadly. "I'm not asking." Nate quickly let go of the rope and fell down into the darkes.

"NO." Y/n screamed.

~End of Flashback~

Y/n shot up as tears streamed down his cheeks.

He looked around. This couldn't be happening.

He hasn't had that dream in a very long time...

Jason yawned as he walked downstairs. He woke up this morning to his fiance not in bed. He smiled as he saw his omega making breakfast. Y/n smiled.

"Hey honey. I made breakfast." Y/n said happily.

Jason smiled more as he wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist. "Mmm smells good." the alpha said.

Y/n smiled as the two sat down to eat.

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