Chapter Twenty Three

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Time skip 3 months later

Y/n smiled softly down at his sweet little boy. It was late at night as Y/n stood in the kitchen, feeding his baby. "That's it. Good boy. Please latch." Y/n whispered.

Konig yawned as he came down the stairs for a glass of water. The alpha stopped as he looked at his omega, eyes softening. "Is he not latching, sweetheart?" Konig asked softly.

Y/n looked up when he heard Konigs voice. "No. I don't get it. He won't latch when Ghost's not in the room. Am I doing it wrong?" The omega whispered, sniffling. Konig sighed as he grabbed himself a bottle of water from the fridge. He looked at Y/n, and his eyes softened more. "I know it's frustrating, baby, but you have to keep trying. He needs to eat."

Y/n nodded his head as he carried on, trying to get the baby to latch. Eventually, though, the baby latched and started to suckle, eating. The baby suckled and giggled.

Y/n smiled softly down at his baby.

"Come on, sweetheart. Hurry up and feed him and get back to bed." Konig said, kissing the top of Y/ns head before heading upstairs.

Y/n sighed as he let Blue carry on eating as he sat down. Y/n smiled softly as he gently rocked Blue in his arms.

Y/n jumped as he saw Ghost leaning against the doorway. "Go to bed baby." Ghost said. "But he's not done eating-" Y/n was cut off.

"GET TO BED." Ghost yelled. The omega stood up and went upstairs. Y/n didn't understand why Ghost was being like this. Ghost turned the kitchen lights off before following Y/n upstairs. Y/n hummed a tuned as he laid Blue down in his crib before wrapping the baby in his blanket.

The omega sighed as he smiled down at his baby. "Goodnight Blue." Y/n said softly before he headed out of the baby's room.

Y/n got into his bedroom. Price and Gaz were fast asleep. Y/n jumped as Ghost picked him up. "You're sleeping in my bed tonight." Ghost said as he walked into his bedroom and shut the door.

Ghost pushed Y/n on the bed and kissed the omegas neck. "You taste so sweet." Ghost groaned as he grinded against Y/n. The alpha was in rut. Y/n whimpered.

Y/n blushed madly. "Fuck. your in rut?" The omega whimpered feeling Ghosts cock rub against him.

Ghost nodded. The alpha looked down at the omega with a devilish grin. "I need to breed you, dear." The alpha leaned closer and took another whiff of the omega's neck.

Y/n nodded feeling his legs get spread. "o-ok."

The alpha growled, taking in the omega's scent. "Such a good boy." Ghost started licking and sucking the omega's neck, leaving little hickeys all over.

Y/n could feel Ghosts hard cock rub against his own. "Your so big." The omega whispered.

Ghost groaned, his body heating up at the omega's words. The alpha was now rubbing against the omega with more force, his hips moving back and forth. "Good boy." He growled, grabbing the omega's hands and holding them above his head.

Y/n felt his stomach do flips as Ghost called him a good boy. Y/n watched as Ghost pulled his cock from his pants. Y/n gulped. Ghost was huge.

The alpha smirked at the omega's reaction to his size. Ghost began stroking himself, getting himself even more excited. "I'm going to breed you now." Ghost growled, leaning down to bite the omega's neck.

Y/n whimpered as he felt his cock rubbing against Ghost's.

Ghost then pushed the omega down on the bed and started kissing down his body. "Such a good boy." The alpha said as he got to the omega's waist.

The omega nibbled his lip as he was on his hands and knees. Y/n gasped as he felt Ghost slam in. The omega whimpered as he gripped the bedsheets.

The alpha then looked up at the omega, a devilish grin on his face. "Such a pretty boy." The alpha said, stroking the omega's leg.

Y/n moaned as the bed rocked back forth as the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room.

The alpha smirked as the omega made those cute sounds. Ghost then pushed the omega down further, getting him on his stomach. The alpha then started licking the omega's neck again, his tongue tracing the omega's spine.

Y/n moaned as he felt the alpha fill him up. The omega gripped the sheets as he felt the alpha slam into his womb and cum deep inside.

The alpha let out a deep growl, the feeling of filling the omega up making him feel so good. He pulled out and then licked the omega's neck again, leaving little kisses all over.

Y/n panted as Ghost collapsed next to him.

Y/n closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Ghost smiled softly as he pulled Y/n close and wrapped his arms around him. "God i love you my baby." Ghost whispered.

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