Two-Bit Imagine

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I was happy to go see my boyfriend of two years. We were both meeting at Bucks for a few drinks. But the worst thing is that when i walked in, Two-Bit was already drunk and on top of some blonde. I scoffed and walked right back out. Tears were threatening to spill as i walked back over to my brothers house. I had been living with Two which made my brothers uneasy especially since im there baby sister but i fell in love. Well, i was in love. I still am but im so upset. I sulked into the house where i found my brothers, Johnny, and Steve. "Hey AJ! Long time no see", my older brother Soda called, coming to hug me. "Hey guys", i breathed out. "Whats wrong?", Darry asked, immeadiately standing up. He is way overprotective. "Relax Dar. Its not that big of a deal. I just came back from Bucks to see Two on top of some blonde. No biggy", i explained. My older brothers eyes lit up in flames. Yes Pony is my older brother too. We are twins but he is like two minutes older. "Im gonna...", Pony started, but i interrupted him. "Pony, Soda, Darry. Im fine. Leave it be", i said and walked back to my room. I dropped on my bed and cried my eyes out. I heard a small knock on my door. I quickly tried to wipe my tears but it was too late. Johnny walked into the room and saw me, crying and all. "I knew you werent ok", he said quietly. Johnny could read me like a book. He was my best friend after all. "Yes your right as usual, but do not tell my brothers, especially Darry. He cant read me as well as you, Soda, and Pony can", i pleaded. "Yeah all right", he said. I leaned into him and he held me. I cried in his shoulder until i couldnt cry anymore. I soon fell asleep from exhaustion and Johnny laid me in a sleeping position on my bed and walked out. Little did i know that all my brothers were outside my door listening the whole time. All three of them had left when they heard Johnny start for the door. Darry was in the truck and pulling out fast while Soda and Pony ran and jumped in the trunk. This was gonna be a hell of a night for Two-Bit. ~Too be continued

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