Steve Imagine

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For lovin_the_80s

I am fourteen years old. A minute or two younger than my twin brother Pony. Two years younger than my big brother Soda, and six years younger than my oldest brother Darry. Was it ok to have a crush on your brother's best friend? Even when your three years younger than him? It doesn't matter. I had the biggest crush on Steve, and Darry and Pony disapproved majorly upon it. I wanted to tell Steve I liked him so bad, just to know how he felt. If he rejected me, I could say it was a prank. If it went the other way, then I might find myself with a boyfriend. But of I had to hide my feelings by doing what I do best: Piss people off.

Steve came over as did the other guys as usual. I was sitting next to Pony on the couch and Steve was sitting in the chair next to me. So I leaned over, ready to begin the daily torture Steve. "So Steve...", I began, "How's Evie?" He clenched his jaw. "I don't know. Why don't ya go ask her?", he said. "How's your job at the DX?", I asked, knowing he'd rather be working for an actual mechanic company. "Just fine", he said. "Really? Soda said you have been slacking lately", I said, examining my finger nails.

His face was turning red. "Leave me alone (Y/N)", he warned. "Well it's just that..." I didn't register the slap until I was on the floor.  "I said, 'LEAVE ME ALONE!'", he screamed at me, having got up from his seat in the chair. I scrambled back away from him before I could get to my feet. I could hear my brothers and friends saying my nae, but I ran out the door. I'm sure Steve was most likely getting a beating, and they were going to come after me at some point. There was no way I could hide either because Pony knows me to well. Twinstincts I guess.

I sat lonely on the fountain at the park. After about fifteen minutes, I can hear abunch of people heading this way. I would have been afraid of them being socs if I didn't hear Two's crazy laugh. I look up to see the seven boys advancing on me. As I assumed, Steve had a black eye forming. Darry pushed him forward, towards me. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I am. I didn't mean to hit you, but...but you really made me angry. Why do you try and antagonize me?", he asked. I shook my head, looking down as I refused to answer. Steve kept asking and asking when I blurted out, "I like you ok?!"

Everyone looked surprised except for my brothers. Steve comes up to me, pulling me aside. "You like me?", he asked. I nodded, not meeting his gaze. "I guess its a good thing I have something for you too", he said, smiling. I looked up at him, smiling too. That's when Darry intervened. He pushed Steve away. "No way are you dating my baby sister", he said, almost growling. "Yeah", Pony agreed. I glared over at him. "C'mon! Give em a chance!", Soda yelled. I smiled at him, always leave it to Soda to help out. That started a chant of "Give em a chance!", so Darry gave in. Now, I can start my first relationship, and see how it goes.

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