Two-Bit Imagine

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I was driving home with Two-Bit. He had a blank expression on his face and he was holding on tightly to the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. I was nervous to say something to him, afraid he'd explode. What could get him so angry?

He pulled up to my house and pulled in. He didnt stop the car. "Two? Arent you gonna come in?", i asked. He shook his head no. "How come?", i wondered. "Get out of my car (Y/N)", he said. I was shocked he would speak to me like that. My face turned into an angry expression. "Fine! Screw off Two!", i said, getting out and slamming the door.

I ran to the door and rummaged through my purse to find my keys. I heard a door slam, and looked behind me. Two-Bit was storming up the driveway. His eyes glinted red, fury present in his eyes. I soon became afraid. You could never tell what Two was capable of when he was in a dangerous mood.

I found the key but i wasnt fast enough. The key was ripped from my hand and thrown far away. I looked up at Two-Bit, who was glaring at me furiously. He pushed me against the door. I looked down, not looking into his eyes.

"Dont ever speak that way to me again. Do you understand?", he asked. I quivered beneath, shaking frantically. I hate when he gets like this. Its scary. "I asked you a question (Y/N)", he said. But i couldnt speak. I couldnt find any words. I looked up into his eyes. They were as mad as they were when he walked up the driveway, maybe even angrier. Then he looked into my eyes. They were scared, frightened, saddened, afraid.

His expression changed. He backed away from me, taking his head in his hands. I slid down the wall, still shaking. Two turned back around looking at me saddened. "A..are you afraid of me?", he asked. I looked away, nervous to answer him. His whole face dropped. "Im so sorry (Y/N). I really am. I never meant for it to go that far. Im so sorry i got angry with ya. I should of talked it out with you." I still kept my eyes away. I didnt know what to say. Then, nervously, I said, "M..maybe we should take a break." Two looked at me stunned. "W..what?", he asked, getting on his knees a few feet in front of me. "I... I just dont know if this is working out. Your always angry, and I..", I couldn't go on. How could you tell your boyfriend your scared of him. "Y..your what?", he asked, whispering his words gently, as if they would break me. "I...Im always on edge. Your always bipolar Two. Your mood is always changing and it freaks me out. I'm sorry Two. I really am. It might be best if we do see other people."

Then tears slowly slipped from his eyes, tears also coming from mine. "(Y/N), I swear to god I will change for you. We can take a break if you want, but i will be waiting for you. Your the love of my life and i dont want anyone else. I'll wait for you. As long as you want. I'll always be here." He slowly rose, walking over and picking up the key he threw. He put it down in front of you before walking back to his car. You shakily stood up as Two opened the car door. "Two", you called, barely above a whisper. He heard you though, turning around to look at you. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too."

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