Darry Imagine

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I got home from work to see Soda taking some money from Darrys stash money. "Whatcha doing Sodapop?", i asked, trying to mask my anger. He knew Darry needed that money to pay bills and buy food. He froze and turned and looked at me. "I need money (Y/N)", he said. "Thats Darrys money", i said. "Mine and Darrys money", he said a little angrily. "What do you need that money for?", i asked. "A drag race for me and Steve", he said. "Darry needs that money to buy food and pay bills", i said tersely.

"Dont tell me what to do (Y/N)!", Soda yelled. Before i could respond, i heard Darrys deep voice. "Whats going on?" "Soda is taking money without asking", i said. "Darry I..", Soda started but was interrupted. "Ill handle it Soda", he said. He turned to me. "Im the one to discipline my family, not you", he said. "Darry, i was just trying to let him know..." "Its not your responsibility!" "I understand that. I was just trying to..." "(Y/N) stop! I dont need ya here to play mom. Just go, ok?", he said. My face turned red from both anger and embarrassment. "Fine! I dont need to be in a house full of untrustworthy people anyway!", i yelled.

I turned to leave when i saw Pony. He looked sad. "Except you Pony", I whispered before leaving. I wasnt sure what to do. I had no where to go. I could go to Two-Bits house, but he and i got into a fight about how much he drinks. I could go to Steves, but i dont think would care. I could go find Johnny, but he usually sleeps outside. I could go see Dally, but hes probably with some girl right now. I sat down on the curb and let some tears slip. No one cared about me. I had no one.

Darrys pov

Im tired of (Y/N) trying to run this family. It was so annoying. I angrily started dinner, but i heard movement behind me. I turned and saw Pony standing in the doorway looking angry. "What is it Pony?", i asked. "You shouldnt have done that", he said. "What?", i asked confused. "You shouldnt have kicked (Y/N) out. Shes your girl for crying out loud", he said.

"She shouldnt of been trying to tell you two what to do. Thats my job as your gurdian", i said. "She wasnt", he said. "What?", i asked. "I heard her and Sodas entire conversation. He was stealing money and she was defending you, saying the money isnt for a drag race. Its for you too pay food and bills. Not once did she tell him what to do", Pony said. I looked angrily towards the table where Soda was sitting.

"Really Soda? Couldnt have just asked me?", i asked. "You would of said no", he mumbled. "Exactly. Your grounded for a month", i said angrily. He looked up at me angrily and stomped back to his room. "You know (Y/N) has no where to go", Pony said. I didnt even think about that. (Y/N)'s parents moved without her and sold there house. Thats when i asked her to move in with me. "Shes probably with one of the guys", i brushed it aside.

"No Darry! She and Two got into a fight. She thinks Steve hates her. I doubt she would go to Dally or Johnny. Shes out there on a cold December night. Its close to below zero Dar! Your responsible for whatever happens to her", he said angily before leaving the room.

I put dinner aside. I needed to find her. Pony was right, but not right. It was both mine and Sodas responsibility if anything happens to her. I slid on a jacket and went out to find her.

(Y/N)'s pov

I was sitting here for a few minutes before getting up and walking down the street. It was freezing out ere. I wished i had grabbed my sweater before storming out. It was my fault anyway. I shouldnt of said anything. I continued to walk when i heard a car rumble beside me. I knew what was coming.

"Hey grease", the soc said. "I dont want any trouble", i said. "Too bad, cause we do", they laughed. I felt a fist connect with my face and i lost conciousness.

Dallys pov

Two-Bit and i were walking down the street on our way to Bucks. Two was rambling on about some girl when up ahead we saw socs. They were jumping a girl. "Hey!", i yelled. I ran and the socs got back in their car and drove away. Two and i rushed over to the girl. Wait. I knew her. Thats (Y/N)! I was freaked out. (Y/N) knows not to go out on her own. Two looked mildly upset. I knew about their fight. She was unconscious and barely breathing. There were tons of bruises and gashes and cuts.

I picked her up. "We need to get her to the hospital", i said. Two nodded agreeing. Then i heard Darrys voice. Shit. He ws going to be pissed. "Dally! Who got jumped? Have you seen (Y/N)?", he asked. I turned around and his eyes widened. "Oh no! No no no no! This is all my fault! I shouldnt have kicked her out! We should have worked it out!", he was close to tears, i could tell.

I was pretty angry. Why would he kick her out? He knows she has no where to go. Then, why didnt she come to me? She knows she could count on me.

"This is my fault. If i hadnt fought with her, she would have came to me", Two said. Great now two of us are close to tears. "Come on, she needs to go to the hospital!", i yelled. They snapped out of their daze. We all ran towards the hospital. When we got there, they took her away to the ICU.

I called the other guys to let them know. They said they'd be on their way immediately. I sat back down. "Why'd you do it Darry?", i asked. "I wasnt thinking. She caught Soda stealing and i thought she was trying to be in control. I didnt realize what i was doing. I...im ashamed", he said, lowering his head.

What i still couldnt figure out was why (Y/N) didnt come to me. She should know that i'd do anything for her. Shes a good friend. I watched as Steve,Johnny, Soda, and Pony walked in. Soda was crying. He should feel bad. Pony stared hard at Darry angrily. Darry was crying silently.

We all waited hours. It was close to midnight when a doctor finally came down. "(Y/N)?", he asked. We all stood up and walked over to the doctor. He looked flusteres. "Didnt know she had this much family", he muttered. "She will pull through, but she'll need weeks of recovering. She will need someone to wait on her, she wont be able to walk for awhile. She's waking up, but be careful. She isnt feeling well", the doctor explained.

Shes ok. Thats great. Now she had some explaining to do. We all went up to her room and burst in. She didnt look good. She was pale and seemed to have thinned from earlier.

"Hey (Y/N)", i said. She opened her eyes and looked over at me. "Hey Dally. What are you doing here?", she asked. "I found you on the side of the street. You got jumped", i said. "Oh, yeah", she said. "Is there any reason you didnt come to me after you left the Curtis'?", i asked. "Just cause", she said.

"Or why you didnt come to me?", Two said. "Or me", said Steve. "Or me", Johnny whispered. "Because no one cares!", she tried to shout but couldnt. I was taken aback. "Of course we care", i said. "No you dont", she whispered. "Why wouldnt we?", i asked. "Darry kicked me out! Soda yelled at me for no reason! Two and i dont even speak to each other anymore! Steve never liked me! Johnny doesnt need me complaining to him about my problems. Pony cant deal with my problems. Im not even welcome at his house anymore! And you, your always busy. I dont have anyone", she said. I cant believe she said that. "Im never to busy to help a friend", i said. "Bullshit", she whispered. Darry cleared his throat wanting to speak. I moved back and he took my place.

Darrys pov

I cant believe she said all that. "No (Y/N). I love you. I wasnt thinking. Pony told me everything. I wont ever not listen to you again. I trust you. And i hope you'll trust us again, especially me", i said. She looked at me and smiled. "One more chance Darry. One more for the rest of you too, except Pony. He has my full trust already", she said. I couldnt help but feel jealous, but i couldnt do anything about it. But i had one thing. I had my (Y/N) back.

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